Mathematical Physics-III


Dr.Pratibha Tripathi


Core Courses

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Course Name : Mathematical Physics-III

Code(Credit) : CUTM 1490(3-2-1)

Course Objectives

  • The main objective of this course is to familiarize students with a range of mathematical methods that are essential for solving advanced problems in theoretical physics.
  • The laws of physics are often expressed through the relatively complex mathematical apparatus.
  • This course is intended to give mathematical tools necessary for a better understanding of the later courses in physics such as classical electrodynamics, quantum mechanics, solid-state physics, and statistical physics.

Learning Outcomes

  • Perform algebra of complex numbers
  • Express analytic complex function as power series.
  • Identify the isolated singularities of a function and determine the types of singularity
  • Calculate the Laplace Transform of basic functions using the definition
  • Able to solve complex integrals
  • Use the residue theorem to compute some definite integrals
  • Use Scilab, Matlab and Python to solve Physical as well as mathematical problems

Course Syllabus


Complex Analysis

Motivation and introduction to Complex analysis; Brief revision of complex no and their graphical representation; the triangular inequality. Polar coordinates; Euler's formula and complex exponentials, polar form; Roots of the complex number- nth root, De-Moivers theorem; Representing complex multiplication as matrix multiplication, examples; Numerical problems

Practice 1: Basics of Python

Practice 2: Basics of Python

Practice 3: Basics of Python

Assignment 1: Numerical problems on Complex number and variable

Assignment 2: To write a python program to find the ares of the circle

To write a python program to find the sum of an array


Analytic Function

The derivative preliminaries. Numerical problems; Limits and continuous functions. Properties of limits and continuous functions, limit involving infinity; Branch cut, branch point and branches.  Numerical problems; Cauchy-Riemann equation. Numerical problems; Complex line integral. Cauchy Integral theorem;

Practice 4: Compute nth roots of unity for n=2,3,4....

Practice 5: Find the Fourier Transform of exp(-x2)

Assignment 3: Numerical problems

Singular points, poles;  Cauchy Integral formula for functions; Cauchy Integral formula for derivatives. Numerical problems; Harmonic function; Complex line integral.Cauchy Integral theorem; Numerical problems; Singular points, poles; Cauchy Integral formula for functions; Cauchy Integral formula for derivatives. Numerical problems: Harmonic function

Practice 6: Integrate 1/(x2+1)numerically and check with computer


Assignment 4: Numerical problems


Taylor and Laurent Series: 

Finite and infinite geometric series, convergence of power series; Taylor series; Numerical problems: Singularities, types of singularities;  Laurent’s series, examples;

Assignment 6: Numerical problems on Taylor and Laurent Series



Poles and residues;Residue theorem; Examples of poles and residues; Examples of poles and residues; Application of Residue theorems; Numerical problems-Solution of some definite integral using Residue theorem

Assignment 7: Numerical problems on Poles, Residues..

Assignment 8: Numerical Problems on Residue theorem


Fourier Transform

Introduction, Fourier Integral trans form, examples; Fourier transforms- sine and cosine transforms; Fourier transform properties; Inverse Fourier transform, examples; Fourier transform- infinite wave train, Dirac Delta function and Gaussian function; Convolution of Fourier transform, Parseval Identity. Numerical Problems; Application of Fourier transform to one dimensional wave equation

Practice 7: Compute the Fourier Transform of exp(-x2)using Python and compare with numerically calculated solution

Assignment 9: Numerical problems on Fourier Transform


Laplace Transform;

Introduction. Laplace transform of elementary function; Properties of Laplace transform;; Examples LT of 1st and 2nd order derivative; Inverse Laplace Transform; Examples LT of 1st and 2nd order derivative; Numerical problems; LT of a unit step function, Dirac Delta function; Application of LT to 2nd order differential equation, Application to damped harmonic oscillator. Impulse function and Lcr circuits

Assignment 10: Find the solution of Damped Harmonic oscillator using Laplace Transform

Practice 8 : Solve Kirchoff's current law for any node of an arbitrary circuit using LT

Practice 9: Solve Kirchoff's voltage law for any node of an arbitrary circuit using LT

Practice 1o:  Perform circuit analysis of a general LCR circuit using Laplace Transform



Green’s Functions

Introduction. Greens function for the one-dimensional problem; Construction of Greens function; Non-homogeneous boundary value problem; Homogeneous Boundary condition. Sturm- Liouville problem; Eigenvalue and Eigen function expansion of Greens function; Parseval Formula- complete condition for the Eigen function

Practice 11: Derive the Green's function for the operator d2/dx2 with boundary condition y(0)=0 and y(1)=0

Practice 12: Find an appropriate Green's function for the equation y''+1/4y=f(x) with boundary condition y(0)=y(π)=0

PRACTICE: Using Python

Assignment 11: Numerical problems on Green's function

Assignment 12: Numerical problems on Green's function

 Text Books:

1. Mathematical Methods for Physicists: Arfken, Weber, 2005, Harris, Elsevier

Reference Books:

  1. Mathematical Physics by B.S.Rajput, Pragati Edition.
  2. Mathematical Physics by Satyaprakash, S.Chand&Co.
  3. Introduction to Mathematical Physics by Charlie Harper.
  4. Mathematical Physics by H.K.Dass and Dr. Rama Verma, S.Chand Publication.
  5. Mathematical Physics by B.D.Gupta.

Online Source:


Session Plan

Session 1:

Complex Analysis

complex analysis pdf

Motivation and introduction to complex analysis

Session 4

Practice 1

Basics of Python

Session 5

Practice 2

Basics of Python

Session 6

Practice 3

Basics of Python

Session 8

Practice 4

Compute  the square root of unity for n=2,3,3.... using Python

Session 9

Practice 5

Compute the square root of (-5+12i) using Python.

Session 10

Representing Complex multiplication as matrix multiplication

Session 12

Assignment 2

Write a Python program to find the area of the circle

Write a Python program to find the sum of an array.

Session 14

Session 16

Assignment 3

Cauchy-Reimann Equations- Numerical Problems


Session 17


Practice 6

Integrate 1/(x2+1)numerically and check with computer integration


Session 20

Singular points, Types of singularity, poles, Examples

Session 21

Assignments 5

Numerical problems on

Singular points, Types of singularity, poles, Examples

Cauchy Integral formula

Session 22

Finite and Infinite Geometric series, Taylor's series, examples

Session 24

Assignment 6

Numerical problems on Taylor and Laurent's series

Session 25

Poles and Residues, Residue at a simple pole and multiple poles

Session 27

Application of Residue theorems- solutions of some definite integrals

Session 28

Assignment 7

solutions of some definite integrals using residue theorem

Session 29

Assignment 8

solutions of some definite integrals using residue theorem

Session 30:

 Fourier Transform

FT pdf

Session 31

Fourier  transform, sine transform and cosine transform

Session 32

Session 34

FT of Infinite wave train, Gaussian function, Dirac Delta function

Session 35

Convolution theorem, Parseval Identity, One dimensional wave equation

Session 36

Practice 7

Compute the Fourier Transform of exp(-x2)

Session 37

Assignment 9

Apply the Fourier Transform to an infinite wave train, numerical problems

Session 40

LT of unit step function, Dirac Delta function and Convolution theorem

Session 41

Application to 2nd order Differential equation- Damped harmonic oscillator, Simple electrical circuits

 Session 42

Practice 8

Compute Kirchoff's current law for any node of an arbitrary circuit using LT

 Session 43

Practice 9

Compute Kirchoff's voltage law for any node of an arbitrary circuit using LT

 Session 44

Practice -10

Perform circuit analysis of a general LCR circuit using LT using Python/Matlab

Session 45:

Green's Function

Greens function

Introduction, Construction of Green's Function

Session 47

Homogeneous Boundary value problems- Sturm Liouville's problem

Session 48

Eigen function expansion of Greens Function, Parseval Formula

Session 49

Numerical Problems


Session 50

Numerical problems on Green's Function

 Session 51

Practice 11

Derive the Green's function for the operator d2/dx2 with boundary condition y(0)=0 and y(1)=0 using Matlab/ Python

 Session 52

Practice 12

Compute an appropriate Green's Function for the equation y"+1/4y=f(x) with boundary condition and compare with numerical solutions

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