Human Physiology


Pradip Kumar Prusty


Core Courses

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Course Name : Human Physiology

Code(Credit) : BSBC(3-2-1)

Course Objectives

To obtain Knowledge about the functioning of various system of organisms and their interrelationship for well-coordinated function.

Learning Outcomes

Students will gain insights into the mechanism of signal transduction by steroid and polypeptide
hormones and the role of second messengers in signal transduction. The process of gaseous
exchange in tissues and lungs, respiratory adaption to high altitude and the difference between
hemoglobin and myoglobin will be explained. Students will gain awareness on muscular
dystrophies, the role of steroids in muscle building and the use of hormones in cattle and poultry
industry. Role of kidneyin erythropoiesis will be explained.

Course Syllabus


Module I
Neurotransmission: Types of neurons, generalized structure of multipolar neuron. Resting
membrane potential, Action potential, Transmission of nerve impulse along an axon and across
a synapse. Neurotransmitters and inhibitors of neurotransmission.
Assignment I
Describe the types the neurons
Assignment II
Explain the Action potential membrane
Preparation of blood smear and differential leucocyte count
Module II
Muscle :Types of muscles and their structure. Ultra structure of skeletal muscle. Contractile and
regulatory proteins of muscle. Sliding filament model of skeletal muscle contraction.
Assignment III
Explain types muscles
Assignment IV
Ultra structure of skeletal muscle
RBC and WBC counting, Calculation of blood Indices.
Module III
Bone: Composition and structure of long bone, growth and remodelling of long bone. Factors
affecting its growth.
Assignment V
Explain structure of long bone
Assignment VI
Describe the factors affecting its growth of bone
Estimation of hemoglobin
Module IV
Excretory system: Structure of the nephron, formation of urine – Glomerular filtration, tubular
reabsorption and secretions.
Body fluids: Blood volume, composition and functions, RBC, WBC and platelets, their
structure and functions. Mechanism of blood coagulation. Biochemical events in transport of
CO2 and O2 in blood. Cerebrospinal fluid, lymph and its function. Blood brain barrier.
Assignment V
Explain the structure of the nephron
Assignment VI<br />Explain the mechanism of blood coagulation
<strong>Assignment VII
Explain the formation of urine
Practice Colorimetric estimation of Protein by Lowry’s method.
Module V<br />Heart and lungs –Structure and function of cardiac tissue and lungs
Acid-base balance: Maintenance of normal pH of the body fluids. Blood buffers. Role of lungs
and kidney in acid base balance.
Assignment VIII
Explain the structure and function of cardiac tissue
Assignment IX
Role of lungs and kidney
Preparation of squamous epithelium cell
Module VI
Endocrine system:Endocrine organs, classification of hormones. Functions of the hormones of hypothalamus, pituitary, adrenal, thyroid, pancreas and gonads. General mechanism of steroid hormone action. Mechanism of hormone action..
Assignment X
Explain the Classification of hormones
Assignment XI
General mechanism of steroid hormone action
Assignment XII
Functions of the hormones of hypothalamus
Assignment XIII Mechanism of hormone action..
Practice<br />Preparation of squamous epithelium cell
Module VII
GIT and Liver: Structure and function of gastrointestinal tract, Structure of a lobule, functions– metabolic, storage and detoxification.
Assignment XIV
Explain the structure and function of gastrointestinal tract
Assignment XV<br />Explain the GIT
Study of different bones

Session Plan

Session 1

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Session 2

I am text block. Click edit button to change this text. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Case Studies

Case Studies

Our Main Teachers

My specilization in the field of Zoology is primarily related to environmental biology. Currently my research area is based on phytoremediation and vermicomposting . My academic career drove me to be an enthusiastic faculty and to reach out to each and every learner for their allround development.