Advanced Quantum Mechanics


Dr. Padmaja Patnaik


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Course Name : Advanced Quantum Mechanics

Code(Credit) : CUTM1412 (2-0-2)

Course Objectives

  • Learn methods to solve Schrodinger’s equation by WKB method, Variational method and perturbation method.
  • Learn Practical application of these methods to real time problems
  • Learn to apply these methods to solve several problems.

Learning Outcomes

On completion of this course students will be able to

  • Solve Schrodinger's equation for different systems using WKB method, Variational method and perturbation method.
  • Develop Python code to solve Schrodinger's equation and find energy eigen values

Course Syllabus


Time independent Perturbation Theory: Energy shifts and perturbed eigen states, nondegenrate and degenerate perturbation theory, spin orbit coupling

Assignment 1: (Any one)

  • Develop  solution  for shifting and splitting of spectral lines of atoms - Stark effect
  • Develop  solution  for shifting and splitting of spectral lines of atoms - Zeeman effect


Pictures of quantum mechanics: The Schrodinger picture, Heisenberg picture, the interaction picture.

Variational methods: General formalism, ground state of one-dimensional harmonic oscillator, first excited state of one-dimensional harmonic oscillator,

Assignment 2: (Any one)

  • Solve the problem for tunneling of a particle through a potential barrier
  • Find out the energy of second excited states of  harmonic oscillator


WKB Approximation: General formalism, validity of WKB approximation method, bound states for potential wells with no rigid walls.

Assignment 3: (Any one)

  • Gamow's theory of alpha decay – Finding solution with WKB method
  • Find out the energy of particle in bound states for potential wells with one rigid wall


Time dependent perturbation theory: Introduction, transition probability, transition probability for constant perturbation, transition probability for harmonic perturbation, adiabatic approximations, sudden approximations.

Assignment 4:

  • Calculate the transition probability rate for an excited electron that is excited by a photon from the valence band to the conduction band in a direct band-gap semiconductor by using Fermi golden rule.


Applications of time dependent perturbation theory: Interaction of atoms with radiation, classical treatment of incident radiation, transition rates for absorption and emission of radiation,

Assignment 5: (Any one)

  • Light absorption and emission - mathematical formulation using electric dipole radiation
  • The quantum mechanical selection rules for electric dipole transitions
  • Find out expression for transition rates within the dipole approximation


Assignment 6:

Group Project (Any one to be done)

  1. One-electron phenomena in strong Laser fields derivation and Python programming- application of adiabatic approximation
  2. Two-electron phenomena in strong Laser fields - application of adiabatic approximation
  3. Fermi’s golden rule applied to find tunneling current of a scanning tunneling microscope
  4. Derivation and Python programming for bound states for potential wells with two rigid walls
  5. Ground state of Hydrogen atom - solve using Python programming.
  6. Study of the neutron quantum states in the gravity field - Python programming
  7. Find an expression for electric-dipole two-photon absorption selection rules and use it  to summarize the rules for two photons of unequal frequency.
  8. Simulation using Python programming for tunneling through a potential barrier
  9. Quantum harmonic oscillator using Python
  10. Gamow's theory of alpha decay – solution and simulation sing python
  11. Applications of quantum tunneling - Python programming.



  1. Advanced Quantum Mechanics by Satyaprakash, S Chand Publications

Reference Books:

  1. Quantum Mechanics: Concepts and Applications by Nouredine Zettili
  2. Introduction to Quantum Mechanics, D J Griffith, Pearson, 2014.
  3. Modern Quantum Mechanics, J.J. Sakurai, Pearson, 2013.

Session Plan

Session 1

Time dependent perturbation theory, energy shifts and perturbed eigen states

Session 2

Session 5

Assignment 1: (2 hours)

(Any one)

  • Develop  theoretical solution for shifting and splitting of spectral lines of atoms - The Stark effect
  • Develop  theoretical solution for shifting and splitting of spectral lines of atoms - Zeeman effect

Session 7

Ground state of Hydrogen atom, Write the hamiltonian, solve the Schrodinger's equation by variational method, find the energy value

Session 8

Ground state of one-dimensional harmonic oscillator, write the hamiltonian, Solve the Schrodinger's equation by using variational method, find energy eigen values

Session 9

First excited state of one-dimensional harmonic oscillator,write the hamiltonian, solve the Schrodinger's equation by using variational method, find energy eigen values

Session 10

Assignment 2: (2 hours)

(Any one)

1. Solve theoretically for tunneling of a particle through a potential barrier

2. Solve theoretically for harmonic oscillator – second excited state

Session 11

WKB Approximation: General formalism, condition to apply WKB approximation

Session 12

Steps to solve a problem by WKB method, validity of WKB approximation method

Session 13

Bound states for potential wells with no rigid walls using WKB approximation, find out the energy expression

Session 14

Bound states for potential wells with one rigid wall using WKB method, classical turning point, Find the energy eigen values

Session 15

Assignment 3: (2 hours)

(Any one)

  • Gamow's theory of alpha decay – theoretical solution
  • Theoretical solution for bound states for potential wells with one rigid wall
  • Time taken for a can of soft drink at room temperature to topple spontaneously- applications of quantum tunneling

Session 16

Time dependent perturbation theory: Introduction, transition probability, transition probability for constant perturbation

Session 17

Transition probability for harmonic perturbation, Fermi’s golden rule

Session 18

Electric dipole radiation and selection rules

Session 20

Assignment 4: (2 hours)

Calculating the transition probability rate for an excited electron that is excited by a photon from the valence band to the conduction band in a direct band-gap semiconductor by using Fermi golden rule

Session 21

Applications of time dependent perturbation theory: Interaction of atoms with radiation, classical treatment of incident radiation

Session 22

Session 23

Classical treatment of incident radiation continued

Session 25

Assignment 5: (2 hours)

(Any one)

  • Light absorption and emission - mathematical formulation using electric dipole radiation
  • Derive the quantum mechanical selection rules for electric dipole transitions
  • Find out expression for transition rates within the dipole approximation

Session 26

Assignment 6: (8 sessions of 2 hrs each )

Group project. (Any one to be done)

  1. One-electron phenomena in strong Laser fields derivation and Python programming- application of adiabatic approximation
  2. Two-electron phenomena in strong Laser fields - application of adiabatic approximation
  3. Fermi’s golden rule applied to find tunneling current of a scanning tunneling microscope
  4. Derivation and Python programming for bound states for potential wells with two rigid walls
  5. Ground state of Hydrogen atom - solve using Python programming.
  6. Study of the neutron quantum states in the gravity field - Python programming
  7. Find an expression for electric-dipole two-photon absorption selection rules and use it  to summarize the rules for two photons of unequal frequency.
  8. Simulation using Python programming for tunneling through a potential barrier
  9. Quantum harmonic oscillator using Python
  10. Gamow's theory of alpha decay – solution and simulation sing python
  11. Time taken for a can of soft drink at room temperature to topple spontaneously- applications of quantum tunneling - Python programming.

Our Main Teachers

Dr. Padmaja Patnaik

Associate Professor in School of Applied Sciences, Department of Physics

Dr. Padmaja Patnaik has done her PhD in Physics from IITB, Mumbai under the guidance of Dr Gautam Mukhopadhya and Dr Prabhakar P Singh of IITB, Mumbai. She focuses on the application of theory behind many scientific research and applications in the field of Physics and Material Science to solve modern day problems and foster […]