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Module I: Web Programming concepts (7 hrs)
Architecture of the Web (1)
HTTP Protocols(1)
Difference HTTP1.0 and HTTP 1.1,Stateless nature of the protocol,Methods (GET, POST, HEAD, PUT, DELETE),HTTP session,Status codes,Persistent connections,HTTPS
Document Object Model (DOM),Elements,Events
HTML 5(2)
Elements,Objects,Events,Canvas,Audio & Video Support,Geo-location Support
Styling HTML with CSS,Inline Styling (Inline CSS),External Styling (External CSS),CSS Fonts,The CSS Box Model,The id Attribute,The class Attribute,HTML Style Tags
1. Write an HTML code to display your CV on a web page.
2. Write an HTML code to create a Home page having three links: About Us, Our Services and Contact Us. Create separate web pages for the three links.
3. Write an HTML code to create a Registration Form. On submitting the form, the user should be asked to login with this new credentials.
4. Write an HTML code to create your Institute website, Department Website and Tutorial website for specific subject.
5. Write an HTML code to create a frameset having header, navigation and content sections.
6.Write an HTML code to demonstrate the usage of inline CSS.
7. Write an HTML code to demonstrate the usage of internal CSS.
8. Write an HTML code to demonstrate the usage of external CSS.
9: Design your own website using HTML and CSS
10: Design form using HTML and apply CSS
Module II : JavaScript & jQuery(14 hrs)
JavaScript (10)
Introduction to JavaScript:Variable, statements, Operators, Comments, constructs, Functions, expressions,Javascript console,Scope, Events, Strings, String Methods, Numbers, Number Methods, Dates, Date Formats, Date,Methods,Arrays, Array Methods,Booleans, Comparisons
Control Structures:Conditions, Switch,Loop For, Loop While, Break
Functions: Function Definitions, Function Parameters, Function Invocation, Function Closures
Objects: Object Definitions, Object Properties, Object Methods, Object Prototypes
Object Oriented Programming: Method,Constructor,Inheritance,Encapsulation,Abstraction,Polymorphism,Javascript Validations,Document Object Model, Document and Events (DOM Manipulation)
HTML DOM: DOM Intro, DOM Methods, DOM Document, DOM Elements, DOM HTML, DOM CSS,DOM Animations, DOM Events, DOM EventListener, DOM Navigation, DOM Nodes, DOM Nodelist,Debugging,Type Conversion, Regular expressions, Errors, Debugging
Forms: Forms Validation, Forms API,JS Browser BOM, Window, Screen, Location, History, Navigator, Popup Alert, Timing, Cookies,Javascript Windows,Pushing code quality via JSLint tool,Security in Java Script
Basics of jQuery,jQuery selection and events, jQuery Effects,jquery traversal and manipulation,Data attributes and templates, jQuery Plugins,Jquery / Google Web Toolkit
1.Write a Java script to prompt for users name and display it on the screen.
2. Design HTML form for keeping student record and validate it using Java script.
3. Write programs using Java script for Web Page to display browsers information.
4: Validate form page using JavaScript
5: use JQuery effect in page
6. Write a jQuery Code to Find the data passed with the on() method for each element.
7.Find the position of the mouse pointer relative to the left and top edges of the document.
8.Count the number of milliseconds between the two click events on a paragraph
9.Find all the text nodes inside a paragraph and wrap them with an italic tag
Module III: AJAX & JSON(8hrs)
Design Introduction to Ajax,Web services and Ajax,Ajax using HTML, CSS, JavaScript,Ajax Framework and DOM,XMLHttpRequest,Ajax Architecture
Working with JSON (5)
JSON – Introduction,Need of JSON,JSON Syntax Rules,JSON Data - a Name and a Value,JSON Objects,JSON Arrays,JSON Uses JavaScript Syntax,JSON Files,JSON & Security Concerns, Cross Site Request Forgery (CSRF), Injection Attacks,JS XMLHttpRequest functions,JavaScript XMLHttpRequest & Web APIs,JSON & Client Side Frameworks,JSON & Server Side Frameworks,Replacing XML with JSON,JSON parsing,AJAX using JSON and jQuery
1.Create an simple application using AJAX to show the table of numbers given by user at runtime.
2.Access web service using Ajax and handle using JSON
Module IV:Responsive Web Design (5hrs)
The Best Experience for All Users
• Desktop
• Tablet
• Mobile
Overview of Bootstrap
Need to use Bootstrap
Bootstrap Grid System, Grid Classes, Basic Structure of a Bootstrap Grid
Tables, Images, Jumbotron, Wells, Alerts, Buttons, Button Groups, Badges/Labels, Progress Bars,
Pagination, List Groups, Panels, Dropdowns, Collapse, Tabs/Pills, Navbar, Forms, Inputs
Bootstrap Grids, Grid System, Stacked/Horizontal
Bootstrap Themes, Templates
1.Create a responsive website using bootstap
Module V: PHP(10 hrs)
Introduction to PHP,Working with arrays,Functions,Forms,Handling date and Times,Working with Files,Session and state management,Database operations from PHP
1.Develop student registration web appication using PHP
2.Write a PHP database application that collects comments from users and makes it possible for users to view all the comments that have been submitted. You will need three files: an HTML page with a form where the user can enter a comment; a PHP program to process the input from this form by adding the comment to the database; and a PHP program that displays all the comments.
Module VI:Introduction to Drupal (5hrs)
Drupal Basics, Content Management System, Content Management Framework, Web Application,Framework,Drupal Workflow, Bootstrap, hooks, callbacks, output,Modules (Core and Contributed), Nodes, Blocks, Regions,The Admin Interface (Overview),Content Management, Site Building, Site Configuration, User Management, Reports, Help,Content Translation,User Contributed Modules,Layouts in Drupal, File Systems
1.Setup Drupal server and develop a site on it
Module VII : XML & Web Security (6 hrs)
XML (2)
Introduction to XML,XML Validation,Reason for XML,XML Tree Structure, XML DOM,XML DTD,XML Schema
XML style language(2)
XML and XSLT, XML Parsing,XML parsers (DOM & SAX),XML WSDL,RSS Feed
Web Security(2)
SQL Injection,Cross-Site Scripting (XSS),Security standards (OWASP)
1. Creating XML Document
2.DTD creation
3.Test SQL Injection for student resgistration application
Text/Reference Books
1.Web Technologies: HTML, JAVASCRIPT, PHP, JAVA, JSP, XML and AJAX, Black Book Kindle Edition,by Kogent Learning Solutions Inc.
2.HTML 5 Black Book, Covers CSS 3, JavaScript, XML, XHTML, AJAX, PHP and jQuery, 2ed Kindle Edition,by DT Editorial Services
3.Programming PHP: Creating Dynamic Web Pages, Third Edition, by Kevin Tatroe, O'REILLY
4.Introduction to JavaScript Object Notation: A To-the-Point Guide to JSON kindle Edition by Lindsay Bassett,O'REILLY
5.Bootstrap: Responsive Web Development by Jake Spurlock, Paperback
Project Work
1.Online Quiz System
2.Online Student feedback System
3.. Online Tutorial System
4.Restaurant Billing System
5.Online MCQ Database Bank System
Topic:Architecture of the Web
Youtube Link:
Web Architecture1
Web Architecture2
Topic: HTML
1. Write an HTML code to display your CV on a web page.
2. Write an HTML code to create a Home page having three links: About Us, Our Services and Contact Us. Create separate web pages for the three links.
3. Write an HTML code to create a Registration Form. On submitting the form, the user should be asked to login with this new credentials
Youtube Link:HTML
Tutorial Link:HTML tutorial
Topic: HTML5
1.creating your own video playback controller in html with java script on a webpage using video element in Html5.
Implement your own Video Playback Controller on a Webpage using "video" element
and java script with the Following Controlling Buttons:
1. Play (>)
2. Pause (|| ) :
3. Restart (|>)
4. Forward with interval value 10 (>>)
5. Rewind with interval value -10 (<) with toggled Pause (||) :
If currently playing, show “Pause”
Else, show “Play”
For this lab, you need a web browser with HTML5 (IE9 or higher,
Chrome, Firefox)
Youtube Link:HTML5
Tutorial Link:HTML5
Topic: CSS
1.Write an HTML code to demonstrate the usage of inline CSS.
2. Write an HTML code to demonstrate the usage of internal CSS.
3. Create user Student registration form (use textbox, text area , checkbox, radio button, select box etc.) (use internal CSS) to format website.
Youtube Link:CSS
Tutorial Link:Tutorial link:
Topic: CSS
1.Create your class timetable using table tag (use CSS) to format website
2.Design a web page to create your resume use color, textcolor, an Image, font etc. (use CSS) to format website.
Youtube Link:CSS
Tutorial Link:Tutorial link:
Topic: Java Script
1.Write a Java script to prompt for users name and display it on the screen.
2. Design HTML form for keeping student record and validate it using Java script.
Youtube Link:Java Script
Tutorial Link:Tutorial link:
Topic: Java Script
1. Write programs using Java script for Web Page to display browsers information.
2: Validate form page using JavaScript
Youtube Link:Java Script
Tutorial Link:Tutorial link:
Topic: Java Script
1.Develop simple calculator for addition, subtraction , multiplication and division operation using JavaScript
2. Create a login form which will check for username and password. If login successful then go to next form- Student registration form that contains form with fields Name, Email, Mobile No , Gender and a button .write a JavaScript code to validate data of above form.
Youtube Link:Java Script
Tutorial Link:Tutorial link:
Topic: JQuery
1. use Jquery effect in page
2. Write a jQuery Code to Find the data passed with the on() method for each element.
3.Find the position of the mouse pointer relative to the left and top edges of the document.
Youtube Link:JQuery
Tutorial Link:Tutorial link:
Topic: JQuery
1.Count the number of milliseconds between the two click events on a paragraph
2.Find all the text nodes inside a paragraph and wrap them with an italic tag
Youtube Link:JQuery
Tutorial Link:Tutorial link:
Topic: Ajax
1.Create an simple application using AJAX to show the table of numbers given by user at runtime.
Youtube Link:Ajax
Tutorial Link:Tutorial link:
Topic: JSON
1.Access web service using Ajax and handle using JSON
Youtube Link:JSON
Tutorial Link:Tutorial link:
Notes: JSON Notes
Topic: Responsive web design
1.Create a responsive website using bootstap
Youtube Link:Responsive website design
Tutorial Link:Tutorial
Topic: PHP:Array
1. Write a PHP script which decodes the following JSON string.
Sample JSON code :
{"Title": "The Cuckoos Calling",
"Author": "Robert Galbraith",
"Detail": {
"Publisher": "Little Brown"
Expected Output :
Title : The Cuckoos Calling
Author : Robert Galbraith
Publisher : Little Brown
Youtube Link:PHP
Tutorial Link:Tutorial link PHP
Topic: PHP:Array
1.Write a PHP script to calculate and display average temperature, five lowest and highest temperatures.
Recorded temperatures : 78, 60, 62, 68, 71, 68, 73, 85, 66, 64, 76, 63, 75, 76, 73, 68, 62, 73, 72, 65, 74, 62, 62, 65, 64, 68, 73, 75, 79, 73
Expected Output :
Average Temperature is : 70.6
List of seven lowest temperatures : 60, 62, 63, 63, 64,
List of seven highest temperatures : 76, 78, 79, 81, 85,
Youtube Link:PHP
Tutorial Link:Tutorial link PHP
Topic: PHP:Function
1.Write a PHP function to generate a random password (contains uppercase, lowercase, numeric and other) using shuffle() function
2.Write a PHP function to compares two multidimensional arrays and returns the difference
Youtube Link:PHP
Tutorial Link:Tutorial link PHP
Topic: PHP:Form
1.Write PHP Scripts that will interact with their clients using one of the two HTTP methods.
The methods are GET and POST
When a form is submitted using the GET method, its values are encoded
directly in the query string portion of the URL
When a form is submitted using the POST method, its values will not be
displayed the query string portion of the URL
Youtube Link:PHP
Tutorial Link:Tutorial link PHP
Topic: PHP:Form
1.write an HTML file that contains a form and a PHP program that processes the data from the form. The form should contain some questions that the user can answer, and the PHP program should produce a response that incorporates the user's answers in some way
Youtube Link:PHP
Tutorial Link:Tutorial link PHP
Topic: PHP:Session Management
1. Create a login form with a username and password. Once the user logs in the second form should be displayed to accept user details (name, city,phone no). If the user doesn’t enter information within a specified time limit,expire his session and give a warning.
2. Write a script to keep track of number of times the web page has been accessed.
Youtube Link:PHP
Tutorial Link:Tutorial link PHP
Topic: PHP:Session Management
1. Write a program to create a shopping mall. User must be allowed to do purchase from two pages. Each page should have a page total. The third page should display a bill, which consists of a page total of what ever the purchase has been done and print the total. (Use http session tracking).
Youtube Link:PHP
Tutorial Link:Tutorial link PHP
Topic: PHP:Data Base
1.In this assignment you will create three MySQL database tables and write php scripts to read, insert & delete data.
The first database table will contain the names of your favorite four movies. The second table will be a list of actors who appear in the movies. The third table will be an associative table that describes the relationship between actors and movies (which actors appear in which movies). Actors and movies have a many-to-many relationship (an actor can be in multiple movies and a movie can have multiple actors).
Youtube Link:PHP
Tutorial Link:Tutorial link PHP
Topic: PHP: Data Base
1.Write a PHP database application that collects comments from users and makes it possible for users to view all the comments that have been submitted. You will need three files: an HTML page with a form where the user can enter a comment; a PHP program to process the input from this form by adding the comment to the database; and a PHP program that displays all the comments.
Youtube Link:PHP
Tutorial Link:Tutorial link PHP
Topic: Drupal
1.Setup Drupal server and develop a site on it
Youtube Link: Drupal
Tutorial Link:Tutorial Link Drupal
Topic: Web Security
1.Test SQL Injection for student resgistration application
Youtube Link:SQL Injection
Tutorial Link:SQL Injection
Link: Lab Experiment
Debendra Maharana is presently working as Asst. Prof. in the School of Engineering & Technology, Dept. of CSE,Centurion University of Technology & Management, Paralakhemundi,Odisha. He is currently pursuing Ph.D. in Computer Science & Engineering under Utkal University.He has qualified National Eligibility Test (UGC-NET) in 2013. His research interest includes Distributed Computing, Real-Time Systems,Data Analysis.
M.Aswini kumar working as Assistant Professor, Dept of CSE, Centurion University of Technology and Management, Andhra Pradesh. Interested to work on Machine learning, Natural Language Processing. Programming Skill: C Programming Java Python Android Data Structure Object Oriented Programming using JAVA Python Web Development(HTML,CSS,PHP) Database Management Systems Compilers
G RAMA DEVI ,MCA,M.TECH(CSE),(Ph.d) working as Assistant professor, Department of CSE, Centurion University of Technology and Management, Andhra Pradesh. Interested to work on Data Structures, Python, Machine Learning, Database Management Systems and Web Development, Problem Solving Methodologies. Programming Skill: Data structures, C programming, python, Web development (Html, CSS,JS), Database Management Systems.