Cell Biology-CUTM 1124, (Credit-4) T(3)-P (0)-Pj (1)


Dr Fahima Dilnawaz


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  • To study cell structure and functions of organelle functions
  • Exposure on transportations through cell membrane
  • To focus on different receptors and model of signaling
  • To introduce the concept of cell signaling

Course outcome

  • The course is aimed to make the student understand the basic concept of cell structure, membrane, cellular functions of different types of cell, modes of cellular signaling and signal amplification.
    COs Course outcomes Mapping COs with POs (High-3, Medium-2, Low-1)
    CO1 Knowledge of different types of cells, and their basic functions. and their interrelated behaviours. PO1 (3)
    CO2, CO3 Individual and team work: Students will be able to know, how to handle cells, its mitosis and meiosis events, apoptotic events. PO9 (3)
    CO4 Use of practical approach for cell biology and cancer biology, methodology for cell culture experiments, analysis, and interpretation of data, in molecular biology PO2 (3)

Module I: Structural organization of cell (4hrs)

An Overview of Cells:History, Cell theory, Structure and Function of Cell and its Organelles: Biological membranes – architecture,  Cell types: prokaryotes vs. eukaryotes;  from single cell to multi-cellular organism; Different molecules of cell- water, salt and mineral ions etc.


Module II: Cell Organalles(5hrs)

Nucleus - Nuclear envelope, transport across nuclear membrane, Nucleolus, Mitochondria, Chloroplasts, Lysosomes, Gloxysomes and Peroxisomes, endoplasmic reticulum, ribosomes, Golgi complex (Structural organization, function, marker enzymes of the above organelles),


Module III: Cell division-molecular approach(5hrs)

Cell cycle and its regulation, Cellular communication and cell mobility: Cell cycle: G0/G1, S, G2 and M phages (Cell Division: Mitosis, meiosis and cytokinesis); regulation of cell cycle.




Module IV: Cell Junction (4Hrs)

Cell adhesion and roles of different adhesion molecules, gap junctions, Extra- Cellular Matrix (ECM), Cell-cell interaction and cell- ECM interaction, The cytoskeleton, Microtubule- based movement and microfilament -based movement



Module V :Cell signalling (5hrs)

Hormones and their receptors, cell surface receptor, signaling through G-protein coupled receptors (G-PCR), Tyrosine Kinase,  signal transduction pathways, second messengers, regulation of signaling pathways, bacterial and plant two-component systems, bacterial chemotaxis,



Module VI : Programmed Cell Death  (4hrs)

Programmed Cell Death (Apoptosis), Intrinsic and Extrinsic apoptotic pathway, Caspase enzyme,


Module VII: Basics Oncology(4hrs)

Biology and elementary knowledge of development and causes of cancer; Tumor viruses, Oncogenes and tumor suppressor genes,


Our Main Teachers

Objective To provide depth knowledge of biological or medicinal processes through the investigation of the underlying molecular mechanisms. • Understanding of chemical and molecular processes that occur in and between cells.   •Understanding will become such that, can be able to describe and explain processes and their meaning for the characteristics of living organisms. Learning outcome […]