Course Code: CUTM2488(1-4-1)
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Course Code: CUTM2488(1-4-1)
Course Objectives
Course Outcomes
COs | Course outcomes | Mapping COs with POs (High-3, Medium-2, Low- 1) |
CO1 | Able to gain knowledge on Internet,Websites,client Server model | PO1 (3) |
CO2 | Ability to design HTML Web pages | PO2(3) |
CO3 | Ability to develop the web pages by using XHTML,CSS,Javascript and JQuery. | PO3 (3), PO5(1) |
Evaluation system
As per the University Norms
Topic wise distribution period
Sl. No | Topics | Hours |
1 | Web development introduction | 7 |
2 | Introduction to HTML | 15 |
3 | CSS | 13 |
4 | JavaScript | 24 |
5 | jQuery | 10 |
Total | 72 |
Course Syllabus
Module-I: Web development introduction (10hr)
Internet, Internet protocols (TCP/IP, UDP, HTTP) Browser, WWW, Search engine, Client server architecture, URL, Webpages, Websites and webservices
PPT regarding: Web Development
Module-II:HTML (15hr)
Basics: HTML introduction, HTML editor, HTML basics and documents, HTML Tags and Attributes, Types of HTML Tags, Basic Tags (HTML Tag. Head Tag, Title Tag, Body Tags).
Page formatting: Adding a new Paragraph, adding a line break, inserting a blank space, changing page background.
Text Formatting: Html Headings, Formatting elements (Bold text, Important text, Italic text, deleted text, Inserted text, Subscript text, Superscript Text), Comments, Horizontal Lines.
Creating Lists (Ordered List, Unordered Lists, Definition Lists)
HTML Tables: Table borders, sizes, Table headers, Padding and spacing, colspan and rows pan, Table styling and col group.
Others: Images, Text link, Image link, HTML forms, Frames and XHTML.
PPT regarding: HTML
Module -III : CSS( 13hr)
Introduction, Benefits of CSS, CSS Syntax, CSS selector(Class selector,Id selector, Grouping selector,Universal selector), External style sheet, internal stylesheet, inline style sheet,and the class selector , div and span tags , CSS properties( background-image,background -color, border style, height, width , text align) box model in CSS(margin, border, padding ) Positioning using CSS.
PPT regarding: CSS
Module -IV : Javascript(24hr)
Javascript introduction, Javascript object model, Variables, Datatypes, Operators, Control flow(if-else, for loop, while loop, do-while loop),Type conversion, Popup boxes ,Functions, Arrays,Strings,Javascript classes and object,Document object model,HTML events and calling javascript functions on events,Accessing HTML form elements, Email and password validations.
PPT regarding: Javascript
Write JavaScript to validate the following fields of the above registration page.
Name (Name should contains alphabets and the length should not be less than 6 characters).
Password (Password should not be less than 6 characters length).
E-mail id (should not contain any invalid and must follow pattern Phone number (Phone number should contain 10 digits only).
Module -V : jQuery(10hr)
jQuery concept, Adding jQuery to webpages, jQuery selector, jQuery event methods, jQuery effects(hide/show, fade, slide) Insertion of header/footer in HTML pages using jQuery.
PPT regarding: jQuery
Session 1: _
Web development introduction: Internet, intranet, web development classification of web development.-
Video Reference: YouTube
Session 2: -
Internet protocol and types of internet protocol, Difference between TCP/IP and UDP.
Video Reference: YouTube
Session 3: -
Client server architecture, Web browser, Web server
Session 4 & 5:
HTTP, WWW, URL, Webpages, Websites.
Session 6&7
Define Webservice. Give comparison between webservice and web application, Components of web services
Session 8& 9
Domain name system, types of Domain name system and how it works.
Session 10&11&12-
Introduction to HTML, HTML Basics: HTML editor, HTML comment, HTML layout, HTML elements, HTML heading, HTML Tags, HTML paragraph
Session 13&14
HTML text formatting: Html Headings, Formatting elements (Bold text, Important text, Italic text, deleted text, Inserted text, Subscript text, Superscript Text), Comments, Horizontal Lines.
Session 15 & 16 &17
HTML link, images, and HTML list
Session 18&19&20
HTML tables
Session 21 &22&23
HTML Form: HTML form attribute, HTML form elements, HTML input types, HTML input attributes and frame.
Session 24
Audio and video in HTML
Session 27 & 28
CSS selector(Class selector,Id selector, Grouping selector,Universal selector)
CSS properties( background-image,background -color, border style, height, width , text align) box model in CSS(margin, border, padding ) Positioning using CSS.
Session 31&32
External style sheet, internal stylesheet, inline style sheet,and the class selector , div and span tags.
Session 33&34
Session 35&36
Session 37 &38
JavaScript: JavaScript introduction, where to put JavaScript in an HTML document, JavaScript statements, JavaScript basic syntax.
Practice: -
Session 39&40
JavaScript output, JavaScript comment, JavaScript operator, Datatypes in JavaScript.
Session 41 &42
Variables in JavaScript, Global and local variables in JavaScript, Type conversion.
Session 43&44
JavaScript Functions, Arrays,Strings .
Session 45&46
Control flow(if-else, for loop, while loop, do-while loop)
Write a program in javascript to check wheather the number is even or odd.
Session 47
Popup boxes
Session 48&49
JavaScript classes and object, Document object model
Session 50&51
HTML events and calling javascript functions on events.
Session 52&53&54
Accessing HTML form elements.
session 55&56&57
Email and password validations
Name (Name should contains alphabets and the length should not be less than 6 characters).
Password (Password should not be less than 6 characters length).
E-mail id (should not contain any invalid and must follow pattern Phone number (Phone number should contain 10 digits only).
Session 58&59
JQuery: JQuery concept, Adding JQuery to webpages.
Session 60&61
jQuery selector
Session 62 & 63&64
JQuery event methods, JQuery effects(hide/show,fade, slide) Insertion of header/footer in HTML pages using JQuery