Developmental Biology and Phytotomy


Dr. Sagarika Parida


Core Courses

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Course Name : Developmental Biology and Phytotomy

Code(Credit): CUTM1430(3-1-0)

Course Objectives

• The relationship between the internal structure, function, taxonomy, physiology, ecology and developmental genetics of the organism.
• Evolutionary history and taxonomic variation of vascular plant anatomy.
• They will understand the morphology and development of reproductive parts.

Course Outcomes


Course Outcome

Mapping COs with POs

(High-3, Medium-2, Low-1)


Acquire an insight in to the internal structure, tissues involved in developmental stages of plants, molecular mechanisms of fruit and seed development

PO1-3, PO2-3, PO3-3, PO4-2


Gain the ability to conduct research and provide solutions to public issues related to agriculture

PO1-3, PO2-3, PO4-2


Able to know different types cells in plant growth and metabolism and can pursue higher studies and research

PO1-3, PO2-3, PO4-3, PO7-3


Help in developing analytical skill for cyto-taxonomical identification of plants and thereby get employment opportunity

PO1-3, PO2-3, PO3-3, PO4-2,PO5-3

Course Syllabus

Introduction and importance of Plant Anatomy: Importance in plant development, taxonomy and identification, ecology and pharmacognosy
Tissues: Simple tissues, complex tissues and their function; Differentiation of vascular tissues: Secondary xylem, secondary phloem in angiosperms and gymnosperms (conifers), structure and functions, , induction of vascular tissues by leaves and by auxins; role of roots and cytokinin in vascular differentiation; Meristematic tissue: Structure, classification, distribution and function

1.Study of anatomical details through permanent slides preparation

Secondary growth: Secondary growth in stem and root; Anomalous secondary growth in dicot and monocot stems; Cambial types: Vascular cambium and phellegen, structure and functions, cambial activity in grafting and wound healing

2. T.S of plants showing secondary growth
3. T.S of plants showing anomalous secondary growth

Wood Structure and anatomy: Macro and micro structure and composition, chemical composition and properties of wood, bark and bark products; Wood parenchyma: apotracheal and paratracheal parenchyma; Hard wood anatomy, organisation of wood, sap wood, heard wood; Axial Parenchyma Fibres and Ray parenchyma and their value in wood identification'; Nodal anatomy .

4. Wood Sample Preparation for Microscopic Analysis

Shoot development: Shoot systems and its derivatives, Theories of organization of meristem in stem
Root development: Root systems and its derivatives, Theories of organization of meristem in root, Quiscent center, Coordination of shoot and root development; Root-shoot transition, Ontogeny and phylogeny of vessels
Leaf Development: Ontogeny of dorsiventral leaf, arrangement of leaves (Phyllotaxy)

Modes of Flower Development: Meristem tissue in Flower Development, Genetic Control of Flower Development.
Anther: Anther wall, endothecium, middle layer, tapetum, Tapetum-Structure, types and function ,
Microsporogenesis : Pollen tetrad development, and Pollen wall proteins, Pollen viability and Storage , Male gametophyte development, Differential behaviour of sperms.

Megasporogensis: Female gametophyte development, Organization of the embryo sac,and different types of it . Pollination-pollination mechanism, biotic and abiotic pollination and floral attractants
Pollen-pistil interaction: The stigma-Types and structure, stigmatic exudates, style transmitting tissue, canal cell. Post pollination events stigma receptivity (recognition and rejection reaction) pollen adhesion, pollen hydration, pollen germination and pollen tube growth and guide, sexual incompatibility (both homorphic and hetermorphic), Double fertilization and In vitro fertilization,

5. Pollen Viability
6. T.S of ovary of flower showing placentation

Methods of In Vitro Fertilization: Anther culture, Intra-ovarian pollination, Gynogenesis.
Endosperm development and differentiation: Types of endosperms, ruminate endospermEmbryogenesis: Embryo development in Dicot and monocot, Polyembryony; Apomixes, agamospermy and parthenocarpy
Fruit Biology: Development and Diversity of Fruit , Dispersal.

Text Books:
1. Pandey S N, Ajanta Chadha (2009)Plant Anatomy and Embryology , Vikas Publishing House
2. Raghavan, V. (1999).Developmental Biology of Flowering Plants. Springer-Verlag, New York
3. Bhojwani, S. S., Bhatnagar, S. P. and Dantu, P.K. (2014).The Embryology of Angiosperms.Vikas Publishing House, New Delhi.

Reference Books:
1. Eames .A.J. and Macdaniels,L.H,1947, An Introduction to Plant Anatomy, McGrow- Hill,N.Y and London.
2. Easu,K,1965 Plant Anatomy.Wiley N.W

Session Plan

Session 1

Introduction and scope of Plant Anatomy:Importance in plant development, taxonomy and identification, ecology and pharmacognosy

Scope of Plant Anatomy-PPT

Applications of Pharmacognosy-Slideshare

Scope and Applications of Plant Anatomy-Notes

Session 2

Tissues: Simple tissues, complex tissues and their function

Tissues Simple & Complex-PPT

Simple tissues-Slideshare

Session 3

Meristematic tissue: Structure, classification, distribution and function

Meristematic tissues-Notes

Session 4

Complex tissue: Secondary xylem, secondary phloem in angiosperms and gymnosperms (conifers), structure and functions

Phloem Structure and Function-Youtube

Structure and function of phloem-Youtube

Secondary growth and secondary xylem-Youtube

Session 5

Practice 1 (2hours)
Study of anatomical details through permanent slides preparation

Study of different types of Cell-Youtube

Making cross-sections by hand-Youtube

Session 6

Secondary growth: Secondary growth in stem and root

Secondary growth -Youtube

primary and Secondary growth -Slideshare

Session 7

Anomalous secondary growth: Anomalous secondary growth in dicot and monocot stems

Anamalous secondary growth-Slideshare

Anomalous Secondary Thickening in Bignonia-Youtube

Session 9

Session 10

Practice 2 (2 hours)
T.S of plants showing secondary growth

Anatomy slide preparation -You tube

Session 11

Practice 3 (2 hours)
T.S of plants showing anomalous secondary growth

Anomalous Secondary Growth:Post lab discussion-Slideshare

Session 12

Wood Structure and anatomy: Macro and micro structure and composition, chemical composition and properties of wood, bark

Wood anatomy and structure-Slideshare

Session 13

Wood parenchyma:Axial Parenchyma Fibres and Ray parenchyma and their value in wood identification, Apotracheal and paratracheal parenchyma; Hard wood anatomy

Axially parenchyma and wood identification-Notes

Wood Parenchyma-Notes

Wood anatomy and structure-Slideshare

Session 14

Organisation of wood: Sap wood, heart wood, soft wood and hard wood

Sap wood, Heart wood-PPT

Softwood and hardwood-Slideshare

Session 15

Nodal anatomy: Leaf gap and leaf trace

Nodal Anatomy-Slideshare

Leaf gap and leaf trace-Youtube

Session 16

Practice 4 (2 hours)
Wood Sample Preparation for Microscopic Analysis

Wood Sample Preparation for Microscopic Analysis-Youtube

Microtome Techniques-Youtube

Session 17

Shoot development: Shoot systems and its derivatives

Stem internal organization: apical meristem-Youtube

Session 18

Theories of organization of meristem in stem

Organisation of Shoot apex-PPT

Shoot Apex-Slideshare

Session 19

Root development: Root systems and its derivatives

Origin of lateral root-Notes

Plant roots and importance in horticulture-Slideshare

Session 20

Organization of meristem in root: Quiscent center, Coordination of shoot and root development


Quiscent center-Slideshare

Session 21

Root-shoot transition, Ontogeny and phylogeny of vessels

Root stem transition-Slideshare

Root stem transition-Youtube

Session 22

Leaf Development: Ontogeny of dorsiventral leaf, arrangement of leaves (Phyllotaxy)

Development of leaves (Theories)-Notes


Session 23

Modes of Flower Development: Meristem tissue in Flower Development, Genetic Control of Flower Development

Flower development-Slideshare

ABCDE flower model-Slideshare

Flower Development Genes in Arabidopsis-Youtube

BC model for flower development-Arabidopsis thaliana-Youtube

Session 24

Session 25

Microsporogenesis: Pollen tetrad development, and Pollen wall proteins, Pollen viability and Storage

Formation of Male Gametes-Youtube

Formation of Pollen-Youtube

Session 26

Male gametophyte: Development of male gametophyte , Differential behaviour of sperms, Male sterilty and self incompatibilty in crop plants

Male sterility and self incompatibility in crop plants-Slideshare

Session 27

Megasporogensis: Female gametophyte development, Organization of the embryo sac,and different types of it


Formation of female gametes-Youtube

Ovule and Gametophyte-Youtube

Session 28

Pollination: Pollination mechanism, biotic and abiotic pollination and floral attractants
Pollen-pistil interaction:The stigma-Types and structure, stigmatic exudates, style transmitting tissue, canal cell

Pollination mechanism-Youtube

Biotic and abiotic pollination-Slideshare

Pollen stigma interaction-Slideshare

Session 29

Post pollination events: stigma receptivity (recognition and rejection reaction), pollen adhesion, pollen hydration, pollen germination and pollen tube growth

Post fertilization events in plants-Slideshare

Session 30

Sexual incompatibility and Fertilisation: Homomorphic and hetermorphic sexual incompatibility; Double fertilization

Sexual Incompatibility-Slideshare

Double fertilisation in the flowering plant-Slideshare

Double Fertilization in Angiosperms-Youtube

Session 31

Practice 5 (2 hours)
Pollen Viability

Study of Pollen Germination-Youtube

Session 32

Practice 6 (2 hours)
T.S of ovary of flower showing placentation


Session 33

In Vitro Fertilization: Anther culture, Intra-ovarian pollination, Gynogenesis.

Anther culture-Slideshare

Intra ovarian pollination-Slideshare

Anther and ovary culture-Slideshare

Session 34

Post fertilisation events: Endosperm development and differentiation, Types of endosperms, ruminate endosperm

Post-Fertilisation Events and Formation of Endosperm-Youtube


Session 35

Embryogenesis: Embryo development in Dicot and monocot, Polyembryony; Apomixes, agamospermy and parthenocarpy

Genetic control of identity, growth and shape in the arabidopsis embryo-Youtube

plant embryogenesis-Youtube

Apomixis and polyembryony-Youtube


Our Main Teachers

Dr. Sagarika Parida has completed her research fellowship from NRRI, ICAR, Cuttack and has been awarded the Ph. D. degree in Botany from Utkal University. She has worked as Post Doctoral Fellow in IMMT, CSIR, Bhubaneswar. The focus of her research work has been on microbiology, integrated pest and disease management and herbal drug standardization […]