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Course Objectives:
History and development of fingerprint in India and abroad, morphology and anatomy of dermal skin, Embryology of fingerprint- morphology of volar pad and configurational areas, development of volar Pad, formation of friction ridges, Sweat glands- eccrine, sebaceous and apocrine, Definition of fingerprint, Theory and principles of fingerprint, Forensic significance of fingerprint. Case studies.
Basic classification of fingerprint- arch, loop, whorl and composite, Rules for placing core and delta, counting and tracing of ridges, ridge density, Classification of identification of fingerprint- different
system of classifications (Ivon, Vucetich, Purkinje, Francis Galton, Henry 10 digit, Henry FBI extension and Battley single digit classification) and their modification till date and their utilities.
Types of fingerprint- rolled, plain, chance, latent, patent and plastic, Collection of latent, patent and plastic fingerprint : methods, procedure, precautions, limitations, preservation and preservation and lifting of fingerprint, Taking of fingerprint: Taking fingerprints of living person- purpose, requirements, procedures, precaution, limitation and collection, Taking finger prints of dead bodies- purpose, requirements, procedures, precaution, limitation and collection(techniques of recording fingerprints of dead bodies of different stages, viz, immediately after death and after rigor mortis, decomposed and charred bodies).
Detection of fingerprint using Light sources, Development of fingerprint: Physical methods and chemical methods- silver nitrate, Ninhydrin and its analogues, physical developer etc., fuming methodsiodine fuming, cyanoacrylate fuming, soot method, hydrogen fluoride fuming and metal deposition method.
Comparison of fingerprint: class and individual characteristics (minutia's), fundamentals of comparison print to print, trace to record, trace to print, trace to trace, documentation of fingerprint, AFIS (Automated Fingerprint Identification System).
Lip prints & Ear Prints: Introduction, Collection, preservation, Examination & their significance.
Palm Prints & Footprint impressions: Introduction, Collection, preservation, Examination & their significance.
1. J.E. Cowger, Friction Ridge Skin, CRC Press, Boca Raton (1983).
2. D.A. Ashbaugh, Quantitative-Qualitative Friction Ridge Analysis, CRC Press, Boca Raton
3. C. Champod, C. Lennard, P. Margot an M. Stoilovic, Fingerprints and other Ridge Skin
Impressions, CRC Press, Boca Raton (2004).
4. Lee and Gaensleen’s, Advances in Fingerprint Technology, 3rd Edition, R.S. Ramotowski (Ed.),
CRC Press, Boca Raton (2013).
Morphology and Anatomy of dermal skin
Embryology of fingerprint- morphology of volar pad and configurational areas
Development of volar pad, formation of friction ridges
Sweat glands- eccrine, sebaceous and apocrine
Definition of fingerprint, Theory and principles of fingerprint
Forensic significance of fingerprint. Case studies.
Basic classification of fingerprint- arch, loop, whorl and composite
Rules for placing core and delta, counting and tracing of ridges, ridge density.
Classification of identification of fingerprint- different system of classifications
Henry 10-digit, Henry FBI extension and Battley single digit classification
Types of fingerprint- rolled, plain, chance, latent, patent and plastic
Collection of latent, patent and plastic fingerprint: methods, procedure, precautions, limitations
Preservation and lifting of fingerprint.
Taking of fingerprint: Taking fingerprints of living person- purpose, requirements, procedures, precaution, limitation and collection
Taking fingerprints of dead bodies- purpose, requirements, procedures, precaution, limitation and collection.
Techniques of recording fingerprints of dead bodies of different stages, viz, immediately after death and after rigor mortis, decomposed and charred bodies taking finger prints.
Development of fingerprint: Physical methods and
chemical methods- silver nitrate, Ninhydrin and its analogues, physical developer etc.
Fuming methods iodine fuming, cyanoacrylate fuming, soot method, hydrogen fluoride fuming and metal deposition method.
Comparison of fingerprint: class and individual characteristics (minutia's)
AFIS (Automated Fingerprint Identification System).
Lip prints & Ear Prints: Introduction, Collection, preservation, Examination & their significance.
Palm Prints & Foot print impressions: Introduction, Collection, preservation, Examination & their significance.
1. J.E. Cowger, Friction Ridge Skin, CRC Press, Boca Raton (1983).
2. D.A. Ashbaugh, Quantitative-Qualitative Friction Ridge Analysis, CRC Press, Boca Raton
3. C. Champod, C. Lennard, P. Margot an M. Stoilovic, Fingerprints and other Ridge Skin
Impressions, CRC Press, Boca Raton (2004).
4. Lee and Gaensleen’s, Advances in Fingerprint Technology, 3rd Edition, R.S. Ramotowski (Ed.),
CRC Press, Boca Raton (2013).