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Integrate the basic biological and chemical knowledge and its structure to develop a foundation in the concepts and facts in modern cell and molecular biology and biochemistry, and to be familiar with various ways of organizing and accessing scientific knowledge
CO-1: Demonstrate an understanding of fundamental biochemistry principles, including topics specific to chemistry and biochemistry. PO1, PO2, PO3, PO4, PO6
CO-2: Understand the structure and function of biomolecules, metabolic pathways, and the regulation of biological/biochemical processes. PO1, PO2, PO3, PO4, PO6
CO-3: Design, carry out, and record the results of chemical and biochemical experiments using classical techniques, modern instruments, and/or computers, then analyze those results to draw reasonable, accurate conclusions. PO1, PO2, PO3, PO4, PO6
CO-4: Familiarization with various ways of organizing and accessing scientific knowledge. PO1, PO2, PO3, PO4, PO6
PO 1: Knowledge enhancement: Enhanced knowledge on concepts, essential facts, basics, principles and theories relating to fishery biology, biodiversity and aquatic environment, aquaculture, fish nutrition, fish physiology, genetics and biotechnology, fish processing, fisheries engineering, fish microbiology, fishery extension, economics, and biostatistics.
PO 2: Professional and Entrepreneurial Skill development: Understanding the value and processes of life-long learning and professional enhancement and entrepreneurship development.
PO 3: Critical thinking: After identifying the assumptions from the subject, take informed actions to frame the thinking and check out the degree to
which these assumptions are accurate and valid, and look at our ideas and decisions (intellectual, organizational, and personal) from different perspectives.
PO 4: Problem Solving: solve the problems from concerned disciplines using the knowledge, skills and attitude acquired from various disciplines in fisheries science.
PO 6: Data Handling and computational skills: Collect, analyze and interpret biological and scientific data for the scientific and farming community with the help of computer-based programmes.
PO 6: Data Handling and computational skills: Collect, analyze and interpret biological and scientific data for the scientific and farming community with the help of computer-based programmes.
1. Cell structure, water and major molecules of life.
2. Carbohydrate chemistry: Structure, classification, functions (mono, di and polysaccharides) isomerism and mutarotation.
3. Metabolism of carbohydrates: glycolysis
4. Metabolism of carbohydrates: gluconeogenesis,
5. Metabolism of carbohydrates: glycogenolysis
6. Metabolism of carbohydrates: glycogenesis
7. TCA cycle, central role of TCA cycle in metabolism.
8. Protein chemistry: classifications and functions.
9. Primary, secondary, tertiary and quaternary structure of proteins. Amphoteric property. Biuret reaction and xanthoproteic reaction.
10. Digestion and absorption of proteins.
11. Classification, structure, function and properties of amino acids. Essential and non essential amino acids.
12. Classification, structure, functions and properties of lipids.
13. Essential fatty acids and phospholipids. Significance of Omega3 and Omega-6 fatty acids.
14. Digestion and absorption of lipids. Lipid autooxidation.
15. Enzymes: nomenclature; classification; specificity; mechanism of enzyme action; kinetics and regulation of enzyme activity.
16. Steroid and peptide hormones- chemistry and function.
17. Structure and functions of fat and water soluble vitamins. Vitamins – classification- functions.
18. Minerals – classification – functions.
19. Nucleic acids: Structure function and importance genetic code.
20. Transcription and translation. Protein synthesis.
1. Preparation of normal solution of acid and base, buffers and reagents.
2. Qualitative determination of carbohydrates, proteins and lipids.
3. Estimation of total nitrogen and crude protein of fish tissue.
4. Estimation of carbohydrates in foods.
5. Determination of specific gravity of oil. Extraction and estimation of total lipids in fish tissue.
6. Determination of saponification value
7. Determination of iodine value and free fatty acid value.
1. Brody, T. 2006.Nutritional Biochemistry 2nd Edition. Elsevier, India Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi.
2. Conn , E. E., Stumpf, P. K., Bruening, G., and Doi, R. H. 2003. Outlines of Biochemistry 5th edition. John Wiley and sons, Inc., New Jersey
3. Chatterjee, M. N., 2004. Text Book of Biochemistry for dental/nursing/pharmacy students, 2nd Edn. Jaypee Brothers medical publishers (P) Ltd. New Delhi. India.
4. Hames D and Hooper N., Bios 2008. Instant notes -Biochemistry, 3rd Edn. Taylore and Francis. USA.
5. Lehninger, A.L (Ed.): 1975. Biochemistry- 2nd edition, Worth publishers, Inc. New York.
6. Lehringer, David L. Nelson and Michael M. Cox,. 2000. Principle of Biochemistry, 3rd edition. Macmillan worth Publisher, New York, USA ...
7. Malhotra, V. K. 2003. Biochemistry for Students. 11th Edn. Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers (P) Ltd. New Delhi.
8. Rambabu, K. 2008 Text book of Biochemistry, AITBS Publishers, India
9. Robert K. M, Daryl K G, Victor W R. 2006., Harper’s Illustrated Biochemistry, 27th International Edn., The McGraw. Hill companies, Inc.
10. Rostogi, S. C. 2004. Biochemistry 2nd Edn. Tata McGraw- Hill Publishing Company Limited, New Delhi
11. Saini, A S. 1994.Textbook of Biochemistry. CBS publishers and Distributors. New Delhi
12. Satyanarayana, U., and Chakrapani, U. 2006. Biochemistry 3rd edition. Books and Allied (p) Ltd. UK.
13. Satyanarayanan, U. 2009. Biotechnology. Books and Allied (P) Ltd. Kolkata
14. Trehan, K. 2003. Biochemistry – 2nd edition. New Age International (P) Ltd., New Delhi
15. Vasudevan D M and Sreekumari S. 2005.Text book of Biochemistry (for medical students), 4th Edn. Jaypee Brothers Medical publishers (P) Ltd. New Delhi.
16. West, E. S., Todd, W., Mason, H. S., Bruggen, J. T. V. 1996. Text book of Biochemistry, 4th Edn. Oxford and IBH publishing Co. Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi.
17. Fatima, D., Meyyan, R. P., Prasanna Kumar, S., Narayanan, L. M., Nallasingam, K, and Arumugam, N. 2005. Biochemistry. Saras publication, Nagercoil, T.N..
Practical - Estimation of carbohydrates in foods
Practical - Preparation of normal solution of acid and base, buffers and reagents
Practical - Qualitative determination of carbohydrates, proteins and lipids.
TCA cycle, central role of TCA cycle in metabolism
TCA cycle, central role of TCA cycle in metabolism
Protein chemistry: classifications and functions
Protein chemistry classifications and functions
Practical - Estimation of total nitrogen and crude protein of fish tissue.
Practical - Determination of specific gravity of oil. Extraction and estimation of total lipids in fish tissue
Essential fatty acids and phospholipids. Significance of Omega3 and Omega-6 fatty acids
Essential fatty acids and phospholipids. Significance of Omega3 and Omega-6 fatty acids.
Practical - Determination of saponification value
Practical - Determination of iodine value
Practical - Determination of free fattyacid value
Transcription and translation. Protein synthesis
Transcription and translation. Protein synthesis
Preparation of Standards
Preparation of Buffers
Estimation of Glucose and Glycogen in Fish Tissue
Estimation of total nitrogen and protein content
Estimation of protein by Lowry's method
Saponification value of fat/oil
Method of total lipid extraction from fish tissue
Determination of iodine value of fish oil
Assay of Lipase activity
Dr. Naveen Kumar Vate completed B.F.Sc. and Fish Processing Technology from Karnataka Veterinary, Animal, and Fisheries Sciences University, Bidar, Karnataka and Ph.D in Food Science and Technology from Prince of Songkla University, Songkhla, Thailand. He has qualified ICAR – NET Exam. He also has postdoctoral research experience in the Division of Food and […]