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Module -1
Charge, mass, constituents, binding energy and separation energy size, shape and charge distribution, spin and parity. Binding energy, Q value.
1) Review on Different types of radiation sources and their implementation
level scheme, excited states, spin, parity and isospin, semi-empirical mass formula, liquid drop model. electric quadrupole and magnetic dipole moments.
2) Two body collision
Nature of the nuclear force, form of nucleon-nucleon potential, charge-independence and charge-symmetry of nuclear forces. Deuteron problem. Deuteron: ground and excited states
3) Rutherford Scattering simulation
Evidence of shell structure, single-particle shell model, its validity and limitations. Rotational spectra. Shell Model
4) Fusion cross section calculation
Elementary ideas of alpha, beta and gamma decays and their selection rules. Fission and fusion. Nuclear reactions, reaction mechanism, compound nuclei and direct reactions. Types of reactions and conservation principles Bohr theory of compound nuclear reaction.
5) Random ness in radioactivity
Elementary particles and their quantum numbers (charge, spin, parity, isospin, strangeness, etc.). Gellmann-Nishijima formula. Quark model, baryons and mesons. C, P, and T invariance.
6) Half-life calculation and decay constant
Application of symmetry arguments to particle reactions. Parity non-conservation in weak interaction. Relativistic kinematics.conservation laws and Quantum numbers, CP violation and regeneration e) Z and W+ and W- bosons. Standard Model
7) efficiency calculation of gamma detector
Text Book:
Charge, mass, constituents, binding energy and separation energy
size, shape and charge distribution
spin and parity. Binding energy, Q value.
level scheme, excited states, spin, parity and isospin
semi-empirical mass formula, liquid drop model.
electric quadrupole and magnetic dipole moments.
Nature of the nuclear force, form of nucleon-nucleon potential
charge-independence and charge-symmetry of nuclear forces.
Deuteron problem. Deuteron: ground and excited states
Evidence of shell structure
single-particle shell model, its validity and limitations.
Rotational spectra. Shell Model
Elementary ideas of alpha, beta and gamma decays and their selection rules.
Fission and fusion.
Nuclear reactions, reaction mechanism, compound nuclei and direct reactions.
Types of reactions and conservation principles
Bohr theory of compound nuclear reaction.
Elementary particles and their quantum numbers (charge, spin, parity, isospin, strangeness, etc.).
Gellmann-Nishijima formula.
baryons and mesons. C, P, and T invariance.
Quark model
Application of symmetry arguments to particle reactions.
Parity non-conservation in weak interaction.
Relativistic kinematics.
conservation laws and Quantum numbers,
CP violation and regeneration e) Z and W+ and W- bosons.
Standard Model
Assignment-1 (2 hours): Review on Different types of radiation sources and their implementation
Assignment-2 (2 hours): Two body collision
Assignment-3 (2 hours): Rutherford Scattering simulation
Assignment-4 (2 hours): Fusion cross section calculation
Assignment-5 (2 hours): Random ness in radioactivity
Assignment-6(2 hours): Half-life calculation and decay constant
Assignment-7 (2 hours): efficiency calculation of gamma detector
Dr Prasanta Kumar Rath has done his M.Sc in Physics having Nuclear Physics Special from Sambalpur University, Odisha, He has done his PhD in Experimental Nuclear Physics from The MSU, Baroda in Collaboration with BARC & TIFR , Mumbai under the guidance of Prof. N.L.Singh and Dr S. Santra. He has also obtained his Postdoc experience from INFN , Italy. His research area focuses on Experimental Nuclear Physics, Nuclear radiation detectors, Accelerator Physics.