Basics Of Hydrocarbons


Tikina Mishra


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Subject Name:-Basics Of Hydrocarbons


Course Objective

  • The general concept of this course is to train students the fundamental laboratory skill extraction, purification and separation techniques with some simple organic preparations.

  • This helps students to gain experience to predict the functional group transformations,simple reaction mechanisms, and the synthesis of organic molecules by multi-step synthesis strategies

Course outcome

COs Course outcomes Mapping Cos with POs (High-3, Medium-2, Low-1)
CO1 ·         Students will have a firm knowledge in the fundamentals and application of current chemicals and scientific theory including those in Analytical, Inorganic, Organic and physical chemistries


CO2 ·         Research and Problem solving by predicting the functional group transformations, simple reaction mechanism, and the synthesis of organic molecules by multistep synthesis strategies PO2(3)
CO3 ·         Design and development of Scientific experiments as well as accurately record and analyze the results of such experiments


PO3(2), PO4(1)
CO5 ·         Investigation, judgement and communication to explore new areas of research in both chemistry and allied fields of science and technology


PO3(2), PO5(1), PO7(1)

Course Syllabus


Basics of Organic Chemistry:

Organic Compounds: Classification, and Nomenclature, Hybridization, Shapes of molecules, Influence of hybridization on bond properties.Electronic Displacements: Inductive, electromeric, resonance and mesomeric effects, hyperconjugation and their applications. Dipole moment; Organic acids and bases; their relative strength.

Practice-1 : Calibration Of a Thermometer

Assignment-1 : Organic Compounds,Electronic Displacements.

Assignment-2 : Electronic Displacements, Organic acids and bases; their relative strength


Reaction Intermediate:

Homolytic and Heterolytic fission with suitable examples. Curly arrow rules, formal charges; Electrophiles and Nucleophiles; Nucleophlicity and basicity. Types, shape and their relative stability of Carbocations, Carbanions, Free radicals and Carbenes. Introduction to types of organic reactions and their mechanism: Addition, Elimination and Substitution reactions.

Practice-2 : Methods of purification of organic compounds.

Assignment-3 : Reaction Intermediate

Assignment-4 : Introduction to types of organic reactions and their mechanism.


Chemistry of Aliphatic Hydrocarbons:

Chemistry of alkanes: Formation of alkanes, Wurtz Reaction, Wurtz-Fittig Reactions.Free radical substitutions: Halogenation -relative reactivity and selectivity.

Practice-3 : Determination of the melting points of above compounds and unknown organic compounds (Kjeldahl method and electrically heated melting point)

Practice-4 : Effect of impurities on the melting point - mixed melting point of two unknown organic compounds.


Carbon-Carbon pi bonds:

Formation of alkenes and alkynes by elimination reactions.Mechanism of E1, E2, E1cb reactions. Saytzeff and Hofmann eliminations. Reactions of alkenes: Electrophilic additions their mechanisms (Markownikoff/ Anti-Markownikoff addition). Mechanism of oxymercuration-demercuration, hydroboration-oxidation, ozonolysis, reduction (catalytic and chemical), syn and anti-hydroxylation (oxidation) 1,2-and 1,4-addition reactions in conjugated dienes and, Diels-Alder reaction; Allylic and benzylic bromination and mechanism, e.g. propene, 1-butene, toluene, ethyl benzene. Reactions of alkynes: Acidity, Electrophilic and Nucleophilic additions. Hydration to form carbonyl compounds, Alkylation of terminal alkynes.

Practice-5 : Determination of boiling point of liquid compounds. (boiling point lower than and more than 100 °C by distillation and capillary method)

Practice-6 : Separation of Amino acids by TLC

Assignment-5 : Elimination and Substitution reaction

Assignment-6 : Alkene,Reaction of Alkene


Aromatic Hydrocarbons:

Aromaticity: Hückel’s rule, aromatic character of arenes, cyclic carbocations/carbanions and heterocyclic compounds with suitable examples. Electrophilic aromatic substitution: halogenation, nitration, sulphonation. Electrophilic aromatic substitution: Friedel-Craft’s alkylation/acylation with their mechanism. Directing effects of the groups.

Practice-7 : Detection of N,S,Cl,Br and I in organic compound.

Practice-8 : Test for Hydrocarbon.

Assignment-7 : Reactions of alkynes, Aromaticity, Electrophilic aromatic substitution.

MODULE - VI                                    

Cycloalkanes and Conformational Analysis:

Types of cycloalkanes and their relative stability, Baeyer strain theory. Conformation analysis of alkanes. Relative stability: Energy diagrams of cyclohexane: Chair, Boat and Twist boat forms; Relative stability with energy diagrams.

Practice-9:Preparation of Methane

Practice-10:Preparation of Ethene

Assignment-8 : Cycloalkanes



Fischer Projection, Newmann and Sawhorse Projection formulae and their interconversions.  Geometrical isomerism: cis–trans and, syn-anti isomerism E/Z notations with C.I.P rules. Optical Isomerism: Optical Activity, Specific Rotation, Chirality/Asymmetry, Enantiomers, Molecules with two or more chiral-centres. Distereoisomers, meso structures, racemic mixture and resolution. Relative and absolute configuration: D/L and R/S designations.

Practice-11 : Preparation of Ethyne

Practice-12 : Preparation of cyclohexane from cyclohexanol

Assignment-9 : Conformation analysis of alkanes,Relative stability,Fischer Projection, Newmann and Sawhorse Projection formulae and their inter conversions .

Assignment-10 : Stereochemistry.

Text Books:

1. University Chemistry, Vol. II, U.N Ojha and K.K Ojha, Himalaya Publishing House

2.Modern College Chemistry, Y.R Sharma and K.D Sharma, Kalyani Publishers

 Reference Books:

1.Morrison, Boyd and Bhattacharjee, Organic Chemistry, 7th Edition, Pearson.

2.Kalsi, P. S. Stereochemistry Conformation and Mechanism, New Age International, 2005.

3.Eliel, E. L. & amp; Wilen, S. H. Stereochemistry of Organic Compounds, Wiley: London, 1994.

Session Plan

Session 1

Classification and nomenclature of organic compound

You tube video:-

Ref. Video:-Introduction To IUPAC Nomenclature

Slide:-classification of organic chemistry


You tube video 1:-

You tube video 2 :-


Session 2

Shapes of molecules

You tube video 1:-

You tube video 2:

Slide:-Shapes of Molecules

Influence of Hybridization in bond properties

You tube video:-

Session 3

Inductive effect

You tube Vedio 1:-

You tube Vedio 2:

Slide:-Inductive effect

Electromeric  effect

You tube Video 1:-

You tube Vedio 2:-

Slide:-Electromeric effect


Assignment-1(Flip Class)1 Hour

Organic Compounds:-Naming Organic Compounds

Electronic Displacements:-Inductive and elecromeric reaction

Session 5

Resonance  effect

You tube Video:-

Ref video:-What is resonance

Mesomeric  effect

You tube Video:-


Session 6

Hyperconjuction and its application

You tube video 1:-

You tube video 2:-


Dipole moment

You tube Video:-

Organic acids and bases and their relative strength

You tube Video:-

Slide:-Organic acid and bas


Practice-1(2 Hours)

Calibration Of a Thermometer


Assignment-2(Flip Class)1 Hour

Electronic Displacements, Organic acids and bases; their relative strength:-Mesomeric,Resonance,Hyerconjuction,acid and base

Session 9

Homolytic and heterolytic fission with suitable example

You tube Video 1:-

You tube Video 2:-

Curly arrow rules in organic chemistry

You tube Video:-

Formal charges organic chemistry

You tube Video:-

Session 10

Electrophiles and nucleophiles in organic chemistry

You tube vedio-http://electrophiles and nucleophiles in organic chemistry

Nucleophilicity and basicity in organic chemistry

You tube video-


Session 11

Types,shape and their relative stability of carbocation-

Slide:-Carbocations stability




Free redicals and carbenes

You tube Video:-


Assignment-3(Flip class)1 Hour

Reaction Intermediate:-Reaction intermediate

Session 13

Introduction to type of organic reaction and their mechanism

You tube Video-

Slide:-Organic reactions and mechanisms


You tube Video:-


You tube Video:-


You tube Video:-


Assignment-4(Flip Class)1 Hour

Introduction to types of organic reactions and their mechanism:-organic reaction and their mechanism

Session 15

Practice-2 (2 Hours)

Methods of purification of organic compounds.

Session 16

Preparation of Alkanes

You tube Video:-

Slide:-Preparation of alkanes

Wurtz reaction

you tube video 1:-

you tube video 2:-

Wurtz fitting reaction

You tube video:-

Session 17

Free radical substitution

You tube video :-


You tube video :-

Relative reactivity and selectivity

You tube Video 1:-

You tube video 2:- 

Slide:-Halogenation of alkanes

Session 18

Practice-3(2 Hours)

Determination of the melting points of above compounds and unknown organic compounds (Kjeldahl method and electrically heated melting point)

Session 19

Practice-4(2 Hours)

Effect of impurities on the melting point - mixed melting point of two unknown organic compounds.

Session 20

Prepation of Alkenes and alkynes Ellimination Process

You tube video:-

Mechanism of E1,E2,E1cb reaction

You tube video:-

Slide:-Preparation of alkenes

slide:-Ellimination process

Session 21

Saytzeff and Hoffmann rules

You tube Vedio:-

Markovnikov and Anti-markovnikov rule

You tube Video:-


Assignment-5(Flip Class)1 Hour

Session 23

Oxymercuration de- murcuration

You tube video 1:-

You tube video 2:-

Hydroboration Oxidation

You tube video:-

Video link:-

Session 24

Ozonolysis of alkenes

You tube video:-

Slide:-Ozonolysisof alkenes

Reduction of alkenes

You tube video:-

You tube video:-

Oxidation of alkenes

You tube video:-


Session 25

Syn hydroxylation

You tube video:-

Anti hydroxylation

You tube video:-

Session 26

Electrophilic adition in conjugated Diene,1,2 addition,1,4 addition

You tube Video:-

Diels-alder reaction

You tube Video:-


Allylic and benzylic bromination

You tube video:-


Assignment-6(Flip Class) 1 Hour


MCQ:-mcq of alkene

Reaction of alkenes:-reaction of alkenes

Session 28

Electrophilic addition reaction

You tube Video:-

You tube Video:-

Neuclophilic addition reaction

You tube Video:-

Slide:-Addition reaction

Session 29

Hydraction to form Carbonyl compounds

You tube Video:-

Alkination of Terminal Alkynes

You tube Video:-

Alkyne Acidity

you tube Video:-

Session 30

Practice-5(2 Hours)

Determination of boiling point of liquid compounds. (boiling point lower than and more than 100 °C by distillation and capillary method)

Session 31

Practice-6(2 Hours)

Separation of Amino acids by TLC

Session 32

Huckel’s rule

You tube Video:-

You tube Video:-

Aromatic character of arenes

You tube Video:-

Session 33

Cyclic carbocations/carbanions

You tube video:-

Heterocyclic compound

You tube vedio:-

Electrophilic aromatic substitution halogenation,nitration,sulphonation

You tube video:-


Assignment-7(Flip Class)1 Hour

Reactions of alkynes:-alkynes,question of alkynes

Aromaticity,Electrophilic aromatic substitution:-Aromaticity

Session 35

Friedel craft reaction

You tube Video:-

Directive effect of groups

You tube Video:-

Session 36

Practice-7(2 Hours)

Detection of N,S,Cl,Br and I in organic compound.

Session 38

Practice-8(2 Hours)

Test for Hydrocarbon

Session 39

Types of cycloalkanes and their stability

You tube video:-


Baeyer strain theory

You tube video:-


Assignment-8(Flip Class) 1 Hour

Cycloalkanes :-cycloalkanes,Friedel craft

Session 41

Conformation analysis of alkanes

You tube video:-

Chair and Boat Formation

You tube video:-

You tube video:-

Ref Video:-Chair conformation

Boat and Twist Boat Formation

You tube Video:-

SLIDE:-Conformation alanalysis of cyclohexane

Relative Stability of Cyclohexane

You tube video:-

Session 42

Practice-9(2 Hours)

Preparation of Methane

Session 43

Practice-10(2 Hours)

Preparation of Ethene

Session 44

Fischer projection

You tube video:-

Video Link:-Fischer Projection

Newman projection

You tube Video:-

Video link:-Newman Projection

Sawhorse projection

You tube Video:-

Inter conversion

You tube video:-

Slide:-Stereo Chemistry,Stereo Chemistry


Assignment-9(Flip Class) 1 Hour

Conformation analysis of alkanes:- conformation analysis,conformation,oxford university

Relative stability:-Leah4sci

Fischer Projection, Newmann and Sawhorse Projection formulae and their interconversions :-Leah4sci

Session 46

Cis-trans Isomer

You tube video:-

You tube video:-

Ref Video:-CIS trans

Sys-anti Isomer

You tube Video:-

E/Z notation with c.i.p rule

You tube Video:-

You tube video:-

Session 47

Optical activity

You tube Video:-

Specific rotation

You tube Video:-

Video link:-Specific Rotation


You tube video:-

Session 48


You tube video:-

Molecules with two or more Chiral centers

You tube Video:-

You tube Video:-

Session 49


You tube video:-
You tube video:-

Meso structures

You tube Video:-

Racemic mixture

You tube video:-


You tube Video:-

Session 50

Relative and absolute configuration

D/L designation

You tube Video:-

R/S  designation

You tube Video:-

Video link:-R/S Configuration


Assignment-10(Flip Class) 2 Hours

Stereo Chemistry:-StereoChemistry

Session 52

Practice-11(2 Hours)

Preparation of Ethyne

Session 53

Practice-12(2 Hours)

Preparation of cyclohexane from cyclohexanol

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