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Module I: Plant genomes and plant tissue culture (4hrs)
Introduction-gene structure and genome size and organization, Brief history of plant tissue culture, Scope of plant tissue culture,Laboratory instructions and maintenance of sterilization, composition of media, nutrient and hormone requirement, mode of action of auxin and cytokinin. Plant tissue culture plasticity and totipotency
Practice: Laboratory set up and instrumentation
Module II: Types of tissue culture(4hrs)
Criteria of cell selection, factor affecting the culture of cells. Cell, Callus & Suspension cultures. Somatic Embryogenesis and Hybridization.Haploid Production through Anther and ovule culture; Embryo culture.
Practice: Sterilization Technique
Module III: In-vitro mutagenesis and germplasm Conservation(4hrs)
Somaclonal variation; In vitro mutation methods; Micropropagation somatic hybrid and cybrid,Plant regeneration. Germ plasm conservation, production of secondary metabolites; Sources of plant secondary metabolite
Practice: Media preparations: MS media, and rooting media
Module IV: Biotransformation(5hrs)
Gene constructs, Vectors for the production of transgenic plants, Introduction- Agrobacterium mediated gene transfer –Ti-plasmid-process of T-DNA transfer and integration, transformation in plant, Direct and indirect gene transfer methods. Binary vectors- basic features of vectors-optimization-clean gene technology.
Practice: Explant preparation, inoculation, and initiation of tissue culture
Module V: Transgenic Plants (5hrs)
Herbicide and Pest resistance, Herbicide resistance-use of herbicide in modern agriculture strategies for engineering herbicide resistance environment impact, pest resistance-nature and scale of insect/pest damage to crop. GM strategies-Bt approach to insect resistance-copy nature strategy-insect resistant crops and food safety.
Practice:Callus formation, multiplication and organogenesis
Module VI: Molecular farming (4hrs)
Introduction –carbohydrates and lipid production, molecular farming of proteins, economic considerations for molecular farming.GM crops- current status concerns about GM crops-regulations on GM crops and products, Greener genetic engineering.
Practice:.suspension culture
Module VII: Plant molecular biology(4Hrs)
Genome organization in prokaryotes and eukaryotes. Transcription and post-transcriptional regulation. Translation and post-translational process. Molecular basis of mutations.
Practice: Meristem Culture, Culture types:Anther Culture,Ovary culture
Text Books:
Reference Books:
Brief history of plant tissue culture, Scope of plant tissue culture, Laboratory instructions and maintenance of sterilization
composition of media, nutrient and hormone requirement
production of secondary metabolites; Sources of plant secondary metabolite
Explant preparation, inoculation and initiation of tissue culture
Introduction- Agrobacterium mediated gene transfer –Ti-plasmid-process of T-DNA transfer and integration, transformation in plant,
T-DNA transfer
Effects of ionizing radiation on plant tissue culture
Binary vectors- basic features of vectors-optimization-clean gene technology.
Herbicide and Pest resistance,Herbicide resistance-use of herbicide in modern agriculture
strategies for engineering herbicideResistance environment impact
pest resistance-nature and scale of insect / pest damage to crop
GM strategies-Bt approach to insect resistance-copy nature strategy-insect resistant crops and food safety.
Plant regeneration through tissue culture
Plant cell culture: A potential source of chemicals
Role of activated charcoal in plant tissue culture