Course name: Processing of Vegetable crops
Course code: HVSC-0513 Credit Hours: 2(1+1)
Course Outcome:
Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:
- CO-1: Understand the principles and practices of processing in vegetable crops.
- CO-2: Identify and analyze various factors influencing the vegetable preservation industry.
- CO-3: Demonstrate knowledge of spoilage and biochemical changes in vegetable produce.
- CO-4: Apply quality control measures and food safety practices in vegetable processing.
Program-Specific Outcomes:
PSO1 : Impart knowledge and understanding of fundamental concepts and techniques of maintaining and enhancing soil fertility, crop production, crop management, crop improvement, biodiversity and sustainability of agriculture worldwide.
PSO2 : Develop the ability to know farming practices and their scope to improve in the rural areas and the environments.
PSO3 : Apply knowledge of basic science through Agricultural microbiology, Plant biochemistry and Biotechnology.
PSO4 : Apply knowledge of Agri-business management and finance to develop profitable agricultural system.
PSO1 | PSO2 | PSO3 | PS04 | |
CO1 | 2 | 2 | 1 | 2 |
CO2 | 3 | 3 | 2 | 3 |
CO3 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 2 |
CO4 | 2 | 3 | 3 | 3 |
Course Code: HVSC 0513
Credit Hours: 1+1
Course Title: Processing of Vegetable Crops
Objective: To educate the students about the principles and practices of the processing in vegetable crops.
Present status—Present status and future prospects of vegetable preservation industry in India
Spoilage and biochemical changes- Spoilage of fresh and processed horticultural produce; biochemical changes and enzymes associated with spoilage of horticultural produce; principal spoilage organisms, food poisoning and their control measures. Role of microorganisms in food preservation.
Processing equipments - Raw materials for processing. Primary and minimal processing; processing equipments; Layout and establishment of processing industry, FPO licence. Importance of hygiene; Plant sanitation.
Quality control- Quality assurance and quality control, TQM, GMP. Food standards – FPO, PFA, etc. Food laws and regulations. Food safety – Hazard analysis and critical control points (HACCP). Labeling and labeling act, nutrition labeling.
Value addition-Major value-added products from vegetables. Utilization of byproducts of vegetable processing industry; Management of waste from a processing factory. Investment analysis. Principles and methods of sensory evaluation of fresh and processed vegetables.
Study of machinery and equipments used in processing of horticultural produce; Chemical analysis for nutritive value of fresh and processed vegetables; Study of different types of spoilages in fresh as well as processed horticultural produce; Classification and identification of spoilage organisms; Study of biochemical changes and enzymes associated with spoilage; Laboratory examination of vegetable products; Sensory evaluation of fresh and processed vegetables; Study of food standards – National, international, CODEX Alimentarius; Visit to processing units to study the layout, equipments, hygiene, sanitation and residual / waste management.
Suggested Readings
Arthey D and Dennis C. 1996. Vegetable processing. Blackie/ Springer-Verlag.
Chadha DS. 2006. The Prevention of food adulteration act. Confed. of Indian Industry.
Desrosier NW. 1977. Elements and technology. AVI Publ. Co
FAO. 1997. Fruit and Vegetable processing.
FAO. FAO. CODEX Alimentarius: Joint FAO/ WHO food standards programme. 2nd Ed.
Vol. VB. tropical fresh fruits and vegetables.
FAO. FAO. Food quality and safety systems- training manual on food hygiene and haccp.
Fellow’s P. 1988. Food processing technology. Ellis Horwood International.
Frazier WC and Westhoff DC. 1995. Food microbiology. 4th Ed. Tata McGraw Hill.
Giridharilal GS Siddappa and Tandon GL. 1986, Preservation of fruits and vegetables. ICAR.
Gisela J. 1985. Sensory evaluation of food- theory and practices. Ellis Horwood.
Graham HD. 1980. Safety of foods. AVI Publ. Co.
Hildegrade H and Lawless HT. 1997. Sensory evaluation of food. CBS.
Joslyn M and Heid Food processing operations.AVI Publ. Co.
Mahindru SN. 2004. Food safety: concepts and reality. APH Publ. Corp. Ranganna S. 1986. Handbook of analysis and quality control for fruit and vegetable products. 2nd Ed. Tata-McGraw Hill Shapiro R. 1995. Nutrition labeling handbook. Marcel Dekker. Srivastava RP and Kumar S. 2003. Fruit and vegetable preservation: principles and practices. 3rd Ed. International Book Distri. Co