Systematics and Diversity of Plants


Dr. Gyanranjan Mahalik


Core Courses

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Systematics and Diversity of Plants

Code(Credit):CUTM 1431 (3-1-0)

Course Objectives

•To understand the various aspects of plant nomenclature and classification
•To understand the classical and modern trends of Angiosperm taxonomy
•To understand the salient features of angiosperm families with special reference to sexual characters
•To have comprehensive knowledge of lower plants
•To understand the diversity, reproduction and economic importance of lower

Course Outcomes


Course Outcome

Mapping COs with POs

(High-3, Medium-2, Low-1)


Gain comprehensive theoretical knowledge on diversity of plant kingdom with focus on Algae, Fungi, Bryophytes, Pteridophytes, Gymnosperms and Lichen

PO1-3, PO2-3, PO4-2, PO6-1


Students will know the technique of plant identification of indigenous and wild angiosperm plants and acquire the basic skills on the plant taxonomy

PO1-3, PO2-3, PO4-2, PO8-3


Knowledge gained can be applied to field and laboratory. It will be helpful in conservation, ecological consultancy and research

PO1-2, PO2-3, PO4-3, PO3-1, PO7-2


Provide life-long learning process to identify the plants and pursue higher studies and able to get job in National organization

PO1-3, PO2-3, PO6-2, PO7-1

Course Syllabus


Approches to plant systematics

Principles of Plant Classification with emphasis modern tools of taxonomy: Taxonomy as a synthetic discipline, Modern tools of Taxonomy (Cytotaxonomy, Chemotaxonomy, Numerical Taxonomy, Serology); The Species Concept, Taxonomy hierarchy, species, genus, family and other categories; Botanical Nomenclature and International Code of Botanical Nomenclature (ICBN); Taxonomic Tools: Field and Herbarium techniques; Important Botanical Floras and Gardens

Practice 1:
Demonstration of the utility of secondary metabolites in the taxonomy of some appropriate genera


Systems of classification

Systems of classification: Artificial (Linnaeus), Natural (Bentham and Hooker); Phylogenetic (Hutchinson) and Modern (Cronquist) systems, relevance of taxonomy to conservation; Angiosperm Phylogenic Group: Brief outline of APG - I (1998), APG - II (2003), APG - III - (2009), AGP-IV (2016); Principles of conservation, extinctions, environmental status of plants based on IUCN

Practice 2:
Acquaintance with flora of local region, preparation of field notes and arrange according to Bentham and Hooker system of classification.


Salient features of plant families

Salient features of following families: Monocotyledons: Orchidaceae, Liliaceae, Palmae, Cyperaceae Araceae, and Poaceae; Dicotyledon: Ranunculaceae, Magnoliaceae, Malvaceae, Rutaceae, Leguminosae, Solanaceae, Cucurbitaceae, Fabaceae, Brassicaceae, Compositae, Asclepediaceae, Euphorbiaceae

Practice 3:
Morphological characterization of selected families of dicots and monocots and identification up to families



Marine, Freshwater and Terrestrial algae, Classification, Food reserve, Pigment and Thallus organization of algae, Life cycles, salient features and reproduction in Prochlorophyta, Chlorophyta, Life cycles, salient features and reproduction in Bacillariophyta, Xanthophyta, Dinophyta, Phaeophyta and Rhodophyta, Algal biomass production and utilization, algal blooms and their environmental impacts, Seaweed cultivation and utilization.

Practice 4:
Study of morphology and reproductive structures of algae belonging to different classes through permanent microscopic preparations and preserved specimens



Morphology, structure, reproduction and life history, Distribution, classification, general account of Marchantiales, Jungermaniales, Anthoceratales, Sphagnales, Funariales and Polytrichales & Ecological importance

Practice 5:
Study of temporary & permanent preparation for microscope observation of external and internal features of the vegetative and reproductive structure of important genera of Bryophytes



Morphology, anatomy and reproduction; classification, Evolution of stele; heterospory and origin of seed habit, General account of Psilopsida, Lycopsida, Sphenopsida, and Pteropsida
Lichens: Nature of the relationship between algae and fungi in Lichens, Classification of Lichens, Reproduction and economic importance.



General characteristic feature of Gymnosperms, Classification of Gymnosperms and their distribution in India, Phylogeny and Economic importance of Gymnosperms, General account of Cycadales, Coniferales, Ephedrales, and Gnetales.

Practice 6:
Study of temporary and permanent preparation of vegetative and reproductive structure of Pteridophytes & Gymnosperm


Text Books:
•Panigrahi, A.K. and Sahu Alaka (2002): Glossary of Economically important plants. New Central Book
•Naik.V.N. (1999), Taxonomy of Angiosperms, Tata-MacGraw-Hill Pub.Co.Ltd.
•Samuel Jones, (1987), Plant Systematics, Mc-Graw-Hill Company
•Sivarajan, V.V,(1991), Introduction to the Principles of Plant Taxonomy, Oxford and IBH, N.Delhi
•Sambamurty, A.V.S.S. (2005), Taxonomy of Angiosperms, I K International Publishing House Pvt. Ltd.

Reference Books:
•Heywood, V. H. and Moore, D. M. (1984).Current Concepts in Plant Taxonomy. Academic press, London.
•Stace, C. A. (1989). Plant taxonomy and Biosystematics. Edward Arnold, London.
•Takhtajan, A. L. (1997). Diversity and Classification of Flowering Plants. Columbia University Press, NY.
•Woodland, D. W. (1991). Contemporary plant systematics. Prentice-Hall, New Jersey, USA
•Sneath.R.H.A and R.R.Sokal,1973, Numerical Taxonomy, W.H.Freeman and Company,San Franssco.

Session Plan

Session 1

Principles of Plant Classification with emphasis modern tools of taxonomy: Taxonomy as a synthetic discipline, Modern tools of Taxonomy (Cytotaxonomy, Chemotaxonomy, Numerical Taxonomy, Serology)
Cytotaxonomy (You Tube)

Chemotaxonomy (You Tube)
Modern tools of Taxonomy (Slide share)

Session 2

The Species Concept, Taxonomy hierarchy, species, genus, family and other categories
The Species Concept (YouTube)
Taxonomy hierarchy (You Tube)
Taxonomy hierarchy (Slide share)

Session 3

Botanical Nomenclature and International Code of Botanical Nomenclature (ICBN)
International Code of Botanical Nomenclature (ICBN) (You Tube)
ICBN (Notes)
ICBN (Slide share)

Session 4

Taxonomic Tools: Field and Herbarium techniques
Herbarium techniques (You Tube)
Herbarium techniques (Slide share)

Session 5

Important Botanical Floras and Gardens, National and International level
Botanical garden (Slide share)

Session 6

Practice: 1 (2hours)
Demonstration of the utility of secondary metabolites in the taxonomy of some appropriate genera
Demonstration of secondary metabolites (You tube)
Biovia (You Tube)

Session 7

Systems of classification: Artificial (Linnaeus), Natural (Bentham and Hooker)
Artificial system of classification (You Tube)
B & H (Slide share)
Salient Feature of Classification (You Tube)

Session 8

Phylogenetic (Hutchinson) and Modern (Cronquist) systems, relevance of taxonomy to conservation
System of Classification (You Tube)
Hutchinson system (Slide share)
Relevance of taxonomy to conservation (You Tube)

Session 9

Angiosperm Phylogenic Group: Brief outline of APG - I (1998), APG - II (2003), APG - III - (2009), AGP-IV (2016)
APG (You Tube)
OTUs (You Tube)
APG classification (Slide share)

Session 10

Principles of conservation, extinctions, environmental status of plants based on IUCN
Principles of conservation (You Tube)
IUCN (You Tube)
IUCN (Slide share)

Session 11

Practice:2 (2 hours)
Acquaintance with flora of local region, preparation of field notes and arrange according to Bentham and Hooker system of classification
B & H classification (You Tube)

Session 12

Salient features of following families: Monocotyledons: Orchidaceae, Liliaceae, Palmae/ Arecaceae
Monocotyledons (You Tube)
Orchidaceae (You Tube)
Liliaceae (You Tube)
Palmae / Arecaceae (Slide share)

Session 13

Salient features of following families: Cyperaceae, Araceae, and Poaceae
Cyperaceae (You Tube)
Araceae (Notes)
Poaceae (You Tube)

Session 14

Dicotyledon: Ranunculaceae, Magnoliaceae, Malvaceae
Ranunculaceae (You Tube)
Magnoliaceae (You Tube)
Malvaceae (Slide share)

Session 15

Session 16

Session 17

Session 18

Practice:3 (2hours)
Morphological characterization of selected families of dicots and monocots and identification upto families
Morphological characterization (You Tube)
You Tube

Session 19

Algae: Marine, Freshwater and Terrestrial algae, Classification, Food reserve, Pigment and Thallus organization of algae
Algae (You Tube)
Introduction of algae (Slide share)
ALGAE (Notes)
Classification (You Tube)
Food reserve (Slide share)

Session 20

Life cycles, salient features and reproduction in Prochlorophyta, Chlorophyta, Bacillariophyta
Prochlorophyta (Slide share)
Chlorophyta (You Tube)
Bacillariophyta (You Tube)

Session 21

Dinophyta, Phaeophyta and Rhodophyta
Dinophyta (You Tube)
Phaeophyta & Rhodophyta (Slide share)

Session 23

Practice: 4 (2hours)
Study of morphology and reproductive structures of algae belonging to different classes through permanent microscopic slide preparations and preserved specimens
Microscopic slide preparations and preserved specimens (You Tube)
You Tube

Session 24

Bryophyta: Morphology, structure, reproduction and life history
Bryophyta (Notes)
Bryophyta: Morphology, structure, reproduction (You Tube)
Bryophytes (You Tube)

Session 25

Distribution, classification, general account of Marchantiales, Jungermaniales, Anthoceratales
Marchantiales (You Tube)
Jungermaniales (Notes)
Anthoceratales (Slide share)

Session 26

Session 27

Practice:5 (2 hours)
Study of temporary & permanent preparation for microscope observation of external and internal features of vegetative and reproductive structure of important genera of Bryophytes
Practical on Bryophytes (You Tube)
You Tube

Session 28

Pteridophyta: Morphology, anatomy and reproduction; classification
Pteridophyta (You Tube)
Pteridophyta (Slide share)

Session 29

Session 30

General account of Psilopsida, Lycopsida
Psilopsida (Slide share)
Lycopsida (You Tube)

Session 32

Lichens: Nature of the relationship between algae and fungi in Lichens, Classification of Lichens, Reproduction and economic importance
Lichen (Notes)
Reproduction and economic importance (You Tube)

Session 33

Gymnosperms: General characteristic feature of Gymnosperms
Gymnosperm(You Tube)
Gymnosperm characteristics (Slide share)

Session 34

Classification of Gymnosperms and their distribution in India, Phylogeny and Economic importance of Gymnosperms; General account of Cycadales, Coniferales
Classification of Gymnosperms (You Tube)
Importance of Gymnosperms (You Tube)
Life cycle (You Tube)
Cycadales (Slide share)
Coniferales (Slide share)

Session 35

General account of Ephedrales, and Gnetales
Ephedrales (You Tube)
Gnetales (You Tube)

Session 36

Practice:6 (2hours)
Study of temporary and permanent preparation of vegetative and reproductive structure of Pteridophytes and Gymnosperms
Practical on Pteridophytes (You Tube)
Practical on Gymnosperms (You Tube)
Practical on Gymnosperms (You Tube-2)

Case Studies

Case Studies

Our Main Teachers

I have experience in teaching subjects like Plant systematics, Plant diversity, Plant ecology, and plant biotechnology. I am currently working on different aspects of plant taxonomy, ethnobotany, plant stress biology, microbiology, and applied sciences.