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Present status of Indian metal mining industry; Scope and limitations of underground mining.
Present status of Indian metal mining industry
Choice of level interval and back/block length; Shape, size, position, excavation and equipping of shaft station/plat, grizzly, ore/waste bin, main ore pass system, underground crushing and loading stations, underground chambers, sump and other subsidiary excavations; Arrangements for dumping into main ore pass; Underground crushing, loading and hoisting.
Cross cuts and drifts, their shape, size and position, review of excavation process, ground breaking, mucking, ventilation and support, track extension and car switching, Use of modern drilling and loading equipment in drifting, raises and winzes, their shape, size and position, excavation process, ground breaking, mucking, ventilation and support; Modern methods of raising – Alimak and Jora-lift raising, longhole method including vertical crater retreat method of raising; raise boring, systems and their details, modern methods of winzing, secondary breaking at grizzley, conventional and mechanized methods, waste handling systems in underground workings.
Use of modern drilling and loading equipment in drifting, raises and winzes, their shape, size and position, excavation process, ground breaking, mucking, ventilation and support
modern methods of winzing, secondary breaking at grizzley, conventional and mechanized methods, waste handling systems in underground workings.
Selection of stoping methods; Classification of stoping methods; Stoping of narrow ore bodies by underhand, overhand, breast, longhole and raise mining methods; Resuing; Mining of parallel veins; Room & pillar, sublevel, large diameter blast hole/DTH, cascade, shrinkage and vertical crater retreat methods, their applicability, stope layouts, stope preparation, ground breaking, mucking, ventilation and supporting; Haulage and dumping; Supported methods – horizontal overhand and underhand cutand-fill methods, square-set method and its variations, details of stope layouts, ground breaking, supporting, mucking, ventilation, haulage and dumping.
Selection of stoping methods
Mine supports
Timber support: Post, drift-set of various types, square-set, crib-set, cog, stull and chock/chock mat supports; fore poling/piling; load bearing capacity of timber supports; bulkheads, steel support: steel set, rigid and yielding types, tubbing, wire mesh, steel lining, screw jacks and ratchet jacks; improvised steel props, friction props, hydraulic props; link bars and chocks, powered supports.
Support selection
Cement support
Poured monolithic and reinforced concrete lining; monolithic pump packing, concrete blocks, concrete slabs, geniting and shotcreting. Rock support: Pillars of ore and waste, pack walls, masonry, walls and arches, building materials and construction, fill support : materials of backfill and their procurement; theoretical aspects of slurry transportation; preparation, transport and placement of hydraulic backfill with and without cement; Paste fills; rock and concrete fills; surface arrangement for storage and mixing; pneumatic and mechanical methods of backfilling.
methods of backfilling
Reinforcement systems
Materials and techniques; rock bolts and dowels – different types and uses; mechanics of bolting; point anchored rockbolts – Slot and wedge type, expansion shell type, grouted point anchor type.
Different types of rock bolt
Ramlu et al, Computer in mineral industry. Pub: Oxford & IBH, New-Delhi.
Elements of mining technology by D.J.Deshmukh
W.A. Hustrulid. Underground mining methods handbook, Pub: Society of mining
engineers of the American Institute of Mining Metallurgical and Petroleum Engineers,
Inc. New-York.
Choice of level interval and back/block length; Shape, size, position, excavation and equipping of shaft station/plat, grizzly, ore/waste bin, main ore pass system, underground crushing and loading stations, underground chambers, sump and other subsidiary excavations; Arrangements for dumping into main ore pass; Underground crushing, loading and hoisting.
Choice of level interval and back/block length; Shape, size, position, excavation and equipping of shaft station/plat, grizzly, ore/waste bin, main ore pass system, underground crushing and loading stations, underground chambers, sump and other subsidiary excavations; Arrangements for dumping into main ore pass; Underground crushing, loading and hoisting.
Choice of level interval and back/block length; Shape, size, position, excavation and equipping of shaft station/plat, grizzly, ore/waste bin, main ore pass system, underground crushing and loading stations, underground chambers, sump and other subsidiary excavations; Arrangements for dumping into main ore pass; Underground crushing, loading and hoisting.
Choice of level interval and back/block length; Shape, size, position, excavation and equipping of shaft station/plat, grizzly, ore/waste bin, main ore pass system, underground crushing and loading stations, underground chambers, sump and other subsidiary excavations; Arrangements for dumping into main ore pass; Underground crushing, loading and hoisting.
Use of modern drilling and loading equipment in drifting, raises and winzes, their shape, size and position, excavation process, ground breaking, mucking, ventilation and support
Cross cuts and drifts, their shape, size and position, review of excavation process, ground breaking, mucking, ventilation and support, track extension and car switching
Modern methods of raising – Alimak and Jora-lift raising, longhole method including vertical crater retreat method of raising; raise boring, systems and their details, modern methods of winzing, secondary breaking at grizzley, conventional and mechanized methods, waste handling systems in underground workings.
Modern methods of raising – Alimak and Jora-lift raising, longhole method including vertical crater retreat method of raising; raise boring, systems and their details, modern methods of winzing, secondary breaking at grizzley, conventional and mechanized methods, waste handling systems in underground workings.
Modern methods of raising – Alimak and Jora-lift raising, longhole method including vertical crater retreat method of raising; raise boring, systems and their details, modern methods of winzing, secondary breaking at grizzley, conventional and mechanized methods, waste handling systems in underground workings.
Modern methods of raising – Alimak and Jora-lift raising, longhole method including vertical crater retreat method of raising; raise boring, systems and their details, modern methods of winzing, secondary breaking at grizzley, conventional and mechanized methods, waste handling systems in underground workings.
Stoping of narrow ore bodies by underhand, overhand, breast, longhole and raise mining methods; Resuing; Mining of parallel veins
Selection of stoping methods
Rock support: Pillars of ore and waste, pack walls, masonry, walls and arches, building materials and construction
fill support : materials of backfill and their procurement; theoretical aspects of slurry transportation; preparation, transport and placement of hydraulic backfill with and without cement
Paste fills; rock and concrete fills; surface arrangement for storage and mixing; pneumatic and mechanical methods of backfilling.
Materials and techniques; rock bolts and dowels – different types and uses; mechanics of bolting; point anchored rockbolts – Slot and wedge type, expansion shell type, grouted point anchor type.
methods of backfilling