Applied Hematology


Sonalika Mahapatra


Core Courses

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Course Name : Applied Hematology

Code(Credit) : CUTM1749 (3-2-0)

Course Objectives

  • The overall aims are that the student should obtain advanced knowledge of the most common hematologic diseases & understanding the concept of Blood cells and other blood components.
  • Demonstrate an understanding of the components of human blood and characteristics, functions, and abnormalities and disease states of each.
  • Demonstrate proficiency in the skills necessary to perform blood cell counts, and evaluation of blood elements within stated limits of accuracy.
  • Determine suitability of hematology specimens and dispose of them in the appropriate bio-hazard containers.

Learning Outcomes

  • The students be made aware of Safety precautions, Quality assurance, biomedical waste management and automation in haematology. It will also cover Red cell abnormalities, Disorder of leukocytes, Investigations of a case suffering from bleeding disorders, To learn about tests carried out for hematological investigations.
  • Understanding of Haemopoietic disorders, laboratory diagnosis of leukemia, hemolytic anemia.
  • Collection & preservation of blood for the investigations.

Course Syllabus

Module-1 ( 12 Hrs)


Laboratory diagnosis of leukaemias Definition and laboratory diagnosis of Leukamoid reactions .Cytochemical staining, procedure and their significance in various haemopoietic disorders. Laboratory diagnosis of iron deficiency anaemia, Laboratory diagnosis of megaloblastic anaemia ,Laboratory diagnosis of haemolytic anemia.


Practice: Collection of blood from different body parts. Data and record Maintain, Handling hematological equipments, Demonstrate the different abnormal morphology of RBCs in Anemia cases.


Module-2 ( 8 Hrs)


Chromosomal studies in various hematological disorders and their significance. Mechanism of normal fibrinolysis and Laboratory diagnosis of hyperfibrinolysis. Mechanism and laboratory diagnosis of disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC).


Practice: Laboratory diagnosis of Hyperfibrinolysis (D- dimer Method), laboratory diagnosis of disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC)


Module-3( 14 Hrs)


Laboratory diagnosis of Hemophilia and von-will brand disease. Laboratory diagnosis of Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP), Platelet function tests and their interpretation.


Practice: Complete Blood Count, Total Platelet Count, Bleeding time, Clotting time, Activated Partial Thromboplastin Time (APTT) Test, Prothrombin Time (PT)


Module-4 ( 12 Hrs)


Measurement of:

  1. Blood volume, b. Determination of Red cell volume and Plasma volume, c. Red cell life span,
  2. Platelet life span. Estimate serum iron, total iron, Hb-F, Plasma and urine hemoglobin. Demonsrtrate the presence of Hb-S by Sickling and solubility, Perform various Platelet functiontest.


Practice: Demonstration the sickle cells ,To estimate serum iron and total iron binding capacity. To estimate Hb-F in a given blood sample. To estimate plasma and urine. Haemoglobin in the given specimens. To demonstrate the presence of Hb-S by Sickling and solubility tests.


Suggested Readings:

  1. Textbook of Medical Laboratory Technology P.B Gotkar Mumbai, Bhalani Publishing House
  2. Text book of Medical Laboratory Technology by Paraful B. Godkar, Publisher Bhalani
  3. Text book of Medical Laboratory Technology (2nd edition) by V.H Talib, Publisher CBS
  4. Atlas of hematology (5th edition) by G.A. McDonald, Publisher Churchill Livingstone
  5. Medical Laboratory Technology By K.L Mukharjee, Publisher McGraw Hill education pvtlimited
  6. Text book of Medical Laboratory Technology (6th edition) by Ramnik Sood,Jaypee Publication.
  7. Ebook link-
  8. Ebook link-
  9. Ebook link-
  10. Ebook link-



Simulation links for labs: 

All the practice components can be performed by simulation as well as virtual labs. Amrita Vlab (, labsforlife (

Online Source: Udemy, Coursera, article library, NCBI,, You tube, Slide share, Frontier, Febs, unacademy, academia,

Session 2

Session 3

Topic: Cytochemical staining

Study Materials:

Slide share-

Session 5

Topic: Laboratory diagnosis of iron deficiency anaemia

Study Materials: 


Session 8

Practice session:

Topic: Collection of Blood from various part of body: Venous & Capillary

Session 9

Practice session:

Topic: Laboratory Data Record Maintainance

Study Materials: 


Session 10

Practice session:

Topic: Hematological Equipment care and Maintainance

Study Materials:

Session 11

Practice session:

Topic: Microscopy & Demonstrate the different abnormal morphology of blood cell during Anemia 



Session 14

Topic: Chromosomal studies in various hematological disorders and their significance

Study Materials:


Session 16

Practice session:

Topic: Laboratory diagnosis of hyperfibrinolysis

Study Materials:

Slide share-

Video for Fibribrinolysis diagnosis(D- dimer Method)-

Video for D- dimer rapid card test (Qualitative)-

Video about Fibrinogen and D-dimer lession-

Session 17

Session 26

Session 28

Practice session:

Topic: Bleeding time

Study Materials:



Session 31

Topic: Blood volume

Study Materials:

Session 32

Topic: Determination of Red cell volume and Plasma volume

Study Materials: 


Session 33

Topic: Red cell life span

Study Materials: 


Session 34

Topic: Platelet life span

Study Materials: 


Session 38

Topic: Demonsrtrate the presence of Hb-S by Sickling and solubility

Study Materials: 


Session 40

Session 41

Practice session:

Study Materials:

Topic: Estimation of Hb-F

Session 42

Practice session:

Study Materials:

Topic: Estimation Hemoglobin in Urine and Plasma

Session 43

Practice session:

Topic: Demonstration the sickle cells 

Study Materials:


Session 44

Practice session:

Topic: Solubility Test 

Study Materials:


Case Studies

Case Studies

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