

Dr. Shantanu Bhattacharyya


Core Courses

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Course Name : Archegoniate

Code(Credit) :CUTM1458(3-2-1)

Course Objectives

To know the principles of Archegoniate taxonomy.

To know economic importance of archegoniate.

Studying the archegoniate phylogeny.

Learning Outcomes

Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:

Learn brief summary of the knowledge or skill the course of archegoniate taxonomy.

Knowledge of extant and extinct species of archegoniate.

Course Syllabus


Introduction: Unifying features of archegoniates; Transition to land habit; Alternation of generations.

Bryophytes: General characteristics; Adaptations to land habit; Classification; Range of thallus organization.

Type Studies- Bryophytes:  Classification (up to family), morphology, anatomy and reproduction of Riccia, Marchantia, Pellia, Porella.

Practice 1:Study of Morphology of thallus of  Riccia

Practice 2Marchantia- Morphology of thallus, whole mount of rhizoids & Scales, vertical section of thallus through Gemma cup, whole mount of Gemmae (all temporary slides), vertical section of Antheridiophore, Archegoniophore, longitudinal section of Sporophyte (all permanent slides).

Practice 3:Study of the Morphology of thallus of Pellia and Porella



Type Studies- Bryophytes:  Classification (up to family), morphology, anatomy and reproduction of, Anthoceros,  Sphagnum and Funaria.

Practice 4: Anthoceros-Morphology of thallus, dissection of sporophyte (to show stomata, spores, pseudoelaters, columella) (temporary slide), vertical section of thallus.

Practice 5: Sphagnum- Morphology of plant, whole mount of leaf.

Practice 6: Funaria- Morphology, whole mount of leaf, rhizoids, operculum, peristome, annulus, spores (temporary slides); permanent slides showing antheridial and archegonial heads, longitudinal section of capsule and protonema.



Reproduction and evolutionary trends in Riccia, Marchantia, Anthoceros and Funaria (developmental stages not included).

Ecological and economic importance of bryophytes with special reference to Sphagnum.  



Pteridophytes: General characteristics; Classification; Early land plants (Cooksonia and Rhynia).

Type Studies- Pteridophytes: Classification (up to family), morphology, anatomy and reproduction of Psilotum, Selaginella,(Developmental details not to be included).

 Practice 7: Psilotum- Study of specimen, transverse section of synangium.

Practice 8: Selaginella- Morphology, whole mount of leaf with ligule, transverse section of stem, whole mount of strobilus, whole mount of microsporophyll and megasporophyll (temporary slides), longitudinal section of strobilus.



Type Studies- Pteridophytes: Classification (up to family), morphology, anatomy and reproduction Equisetum and Pteris (Developmental details not to be included).

Practice 9: Equisetum- Morphology, transverse section of internode, longitudinal section of strobilus, transversesection of strobilus, whole mount of sporangiophore, whole mount of spores (wet and dry) (temporary slide), transverse section of rhizome.

Practice 10: Pteris- Morphology, transverse section of rachis, vertical section of sporophyll, wholemount of sporangium, whole mount of spores (temporary slides), transverse section of rhizome, whole mount of prothallus with sex organs and young sporophyte.



Apogamy, and apospory, heterospory and seed habit, telome theory, stellar evolution; Ecological and economic importance.



Gymnosperms: General characteristics, classification (up to family), morphology, anatomy and reproduction of Cycas, Pinus and Gnetum (Developmental details not to be included); Ecological and economic importance.  

Practice 11: Cycas- Morphology (coralloid roots, bulbil, leaf), whole mount of microsporophyll, transverse section of coralloid root, transverse section of rachis, vertical section of leaflet, vertical section of microsporophyll, whole mount of spores (temporary slides), longitudinal section of ovule, transverse section of root (permanent slide).

Practice 12: Pinus- Morphology (long and dwarf shoots, whole mount of dwarf shoot, male and female cones), transverse section of Needle, transverse section of stem, longitudinal section of / transverse section of male cone, whole mount of microsporophyll, whole mount of Microspores (temporary slides), longitudinal section of female cone, tangential longitudinal section & radial longitudinal sections stem (permanent slide).


Text Book: 

1. Vashistha, P.C., Sinha, A.K., Kumar, A. (2010). Pteridophyta. S. Chand. Delhi, India.

2. Bhatnagar, S.P. &Moitra, A. (1996). Gymnosperms. New Age International (P) Ltd Publishers, New Delhi, India.

Reference Book:

1.Parihar, N.S. (1991). An introduction to Embryophyta: Vol. I. Bryophyta. Central Book Depot. Allahabad.

2.Raven, P.H., Johnson, G.B., Losos, J.B., Singer, S.R. (2005). Biology. Tata McGraw Hill, Delhi.

3.Vanderpoorten, A. &Goffinet, B. (2009) Introduction to Bryophytes. Cambridge University Press.

Session Plan

Session 1

Session 6 (Practice 1)

Riccia–Study of Morphology of thallus

Session 9 (Practice 2)

Marchantia- Morphology of thallus, whole mount of rhizoids & Scales, vertical section of thallus through Gemma cup, whole mount of Gemmae (all temporary slides),Vertical section of Antheridiophore, Archegoniophore, longitudinal section of Sporophyte (all permanent slides).

Session 10 (Practice 3)

Session 12

Classification (up to family), morphology, anatomy and reproduction of Porella

Session 15 (Practice 4)

Anthoceros- Morphology of thallus, dissection of sporophyte (to show stomata, spores,  pseudoelaters,columella) (temporary slide), vertical section of thallus.

Session 16

Session 18 (Practice 5)

Sphagnum- Morphology of plant, whole mount of leaf.

Session 21 (Practice 6)

Funaria- Morphology, whole mount of leaf, rhizoids, operculum, peristome, annulus, spores (temporary slides); permanent slides showing antheridial and archegonial heads, longitudinal section of capsule and protonema.

Session 30 (Practice 7)

Psilotum- Study of specimen, transverse section of synangium.

Session 31

Reproduction of Selaginella (Developmental details not to be included)

Module 5

Type Studies-Pteridophytes: Classification (up to family), morphology of Equisetum

Session 32 (Practice 8)

Selaginella- Morphology, whole mount of leaf with ligule, transverse section of stem, whole mount of strobilus, whole mount of microsporophyll and megasporophyll (temporary slides), longitudinal section of strobilus.

Session 34 (Practice 9)

Equisetum- Morphology, transverse section of internode, longitudinal section of strobilus, transverse section of strobilus, whole mount of sporangiophore, whole mount of spores (wet and dry) (temporary slide), transverse section of rhizome.

Session 36 (Practice 10)

Pteris- Morphology, transverse section of rachis, vertical section of sporophyll, wholemount of sporangium, whole mount of spores (temporary slides), transverse section of rhizome, whole mount of prothallus with sex organs and young sporophyte.

Session 37 (Assignment 5)

Session 46 (Practice 11)

Cycas- Morphology (coralloid roots, bulbil, leaf), whole mount of microsporophyll,T S of coralloid root, T S of rachis, VS of leaflet,VS of microsporophyll, whole mount of spores, LS of ovule, TS of root.

Session 49 (Practice 12)

Pinus - Morphology (long and dwarf shoots, whole mount of dwarf shoot, male and female cones), TS of Needle, TS of stem, LS of /TS of male cone, whole mount of microsporophyll, whole mount of Microspores, LS of female cone, tangential longitudinal section & radial LS of stem.

Case Studies

Case Studies

Our Main Teachers

Dr. Shantanu Bhattacharyya

Assistant Professor, Department of Botany, School of Applied Science ( Bolangir Campus)

Dr. Shantanu Bhattacharyya works as an Assistant Professor, Department of Botany, at the Centurion University of Technology and Management, Bolangir Campus, Odisha, India. He has received his M.Sc. (Life Science- Botany) and M.Phil (Life Sciences) from Sambalpur University, Orissa, India and B.Ed. from Singhania University, Rajasthan India. He qualified GATE-2007, CSIR-UGC NET LS -2008. He […]