Database Cluster Administration and Security


G.Narasimha Rao


Core Courses

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Course Name : Database Cluster Administration and Security

Code(Credit) : CUTM1034(2-1-1)

Course Objectives

  • To teach students about managing access rules and configurations for computing clusters for internal and external clients.
  • To provide knowledge on manage cluster deployment.
  • To provide hands-on experience of monitor capacity, performance and database security.

Course Outcomes

COs Course outcomes Mapping COs with POs (High-3, Medium-2, Low-1)
CO1 Gain knowledge about concepts of Construction of Clusters PO1 (3)- Engineering Knowledge.
CO2 Solving the problems of different database cluster securities. PO2(3)- Problem Analysis
CO3 Students will develop skill of developing new techniques in cluster deployment in real world Applications PO3 (3)- Design/Development of Solution

Course Syllabus

Module I: Construction of Clusters
Define the size of the cluster based on data to be stored, Identify quicker ways to add or remove nodes using cluster monitoring tools, Deploy and manage clusters, Setup cluster configurations using cookbooks.

1. Different functions to update or delete data from the databases such as CRUD (Create Read Update Delete)
2. Organizational policies, procedures and guidelines which relate to maintaining existing databases.

Module II: Manage cluster deployment
Define encryption standards at rest and in motion for data stored on the cluster, create documentation on computing clusters, Validate computing clusters, Administer cluster access.

3. Different databases, including: relational (MySQL, PostgreSQL),
4. NoSQL (Redis, Amazon DynamoDB)

Module III: Monitor capacity and performance
Evaluate cluster requirement estimates through capacity planning, Monitor cluster connectivity and performance and recommend efficiencies, Troubleshoot issues with cluster connectivity and performance with appropriate people.

5. How to migrate a database to a new architecture
6. How to automate database maintenance

Module IV: Database Security
Secure a Database System applying Information Security, Security Threats, Security Vulnerabilities and Risk Management.

7. How to store and retrieve information
8. How to provide the security in databases

Module V: Database backup
Implement Database System backup and restoring backup, Implement Database System security by creation of roles and functions for Database Users.

9. Write a program for database backup maintenance.
10. Write a program for database recovery.

Module-VI: Message Transfer
Operations browsing, downloading messages, pictures from internet, sending and receiving
Emails, sending attachments of pictures and text information, E-chatting.

11. Write a program for message transfer between databases

Module-VII: Cluster Management
Master-Master, Master-Slave, Multimaster, Master-Multislave

Practice: Using MySQL, PostgreSQL
12. Write a program to configure master slave communication

1.Configuring master-slave server in MySQL without delay
2.Configuring master-slave server in MySQL with time constraint
3.Configuring single master and 2 slaves with one as RO and other as RW
4.Network Communication Optimization
5.Cluster File system and Parallel I/O
6.Cluster Scheduling at Server level

1. Implementing database security and auditing, Author: Ron Ben-Natan
2. Database Security, Authors: Silvana Castano, Giancarlo Martella, M. Fugini.
3. Fundamentals of Database Systems, Author: Ramez Elmasri.

Session 5

1.Configuring master-slave server in MySQL without delay
2.Configuring master-slave server in MySQL with time constraint
3.Configuring single master and 2 slaves with one as RO and other as RW
4.Network Communication Optimization
5.Cluster File system and Parallel I/O
6.Cluster Scheduling

1. Different functions to update or delete data from the databases such as CRUD (Create Read Update Delete)
2. Organizational policies, procedures and guidelines which relate to maintaining existing databases

Session 14

3. Different databases, including: relational (MySQL, PostgreSQL),
4. NoSQL (Redis, Amazon DynamoDB

Session 17

Session 18

5. How to migrate a database to a new architecture
6. How to automate database maintenance

Session 22

7. How to store and retrieve information
8. How to provide the security in databases

Session 27

9. Write a program for database backup maintenance.
10. Write a program for database recovery.

Session 33

11. Write a program for message transfer between databases

Session 38

12. Write a program to configure master slave communication Using MySQL, PostgreSQL

Our Main Teachers

Prof. Susanta Kumar Nayak Working as Assistant Professor in Department of Computer Science & Engineering, Centurion University of Technology & Management, paralakhemundi,odisha . He completed MCA, MBA(HR), Ph.D. [(Pursuing). He has been an Academician from last 16.5 years. Previously he Worked as Assistant Professor in MCA Programme in Bharati Vidyapeeth Deemed University, Pune,  Institute of Management Kolhapur […]