Disaster Preparedness & Planning Management


Dr. Siba Prasad Mishra


Core Courses

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Course Name : Disaster Preparedness & Planning Management

Code(Credit) : CUTM1907(2-0-0)

Course Objectives:

  1.  To Understand basic concepts in Disaster Management
  2.  To Understand Definitions and Terminologies used in Disaster Management
  3. To Understand Types and Categories of Disasters
  4. To Understand the Challenges posed by Disasters
  5. To understand Impacts of Disasters Key Skills

Learning Outcomes

The student will develop competencies in

  1. The application of Disaster Concepts to Management.
  2. Analyzing Relationship between Development and Disasters.
  3. Ability to understand Categories of Disasters.
  4. Realization of the responsibilities to society

Course Syllabus

Module 1: Introduction - Concepts and definitions: disaster, hazard, vulnerability, risk severity, frequency and details, capacity, impact, prevention, mitigation).

Module 2: Disasters - Disasters classification; natural disasters (floods, drought, cyclones, volcanoes, earthquakes, tsunami, landslides, coastal erosion, soil erosion, forest fires etc.); manmade disasters (industrial pollution, artificial flooding in urban areas, nuclear radiation, chemical spills, transportation accidents, terrorist strikes, etc.); hazard and vulnerability profile of India, mountain and coastal areas, ecological fragility.

Module 3: Disaster Impacts - Disaster impacts (environmental, physical, social, ecological, economic, political, etc.); health, psycho-social issues; demographic aspects (gender, age, special needs); hazard locations; global and national disaster trends; climate change and urban disasters.

Module 4:Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) - Disaster management cycle – its phases; prevention, mitigation, preparedness, relief, and recovery; structural and non-structural measures; risk analysis, vulnerability and capacity assessment; early warning systems, Postdisaster environmental response (water, sanitation, food safety, waste management, disease control, security, communications); Roles and responsibilities of government, community, local institutions, NGOs and other stakeholders; Policies and legislation for disaster risk reduction, DRR programs in India and the activities of National Disaster Management Authority.

Module 5: Disasters, Environment and Development - Factors affecting vulnerability such as the impact of developmental projects and environmental modifications (including dams, land-use changes, urbanization, etc.), sustainable and environmentally friendly recovery; reconstruction, and development methods.

Text/Reference Books:

  1. http://ndma.gov.in/ (Home page of National Disaster Management Authority)
  2. http://www.ndmindia.nic.in/ (National Disaster management in India, Ministry of Home Affairs).
  3. Pradeep Sahni, 2004, Disaster Risk Reduction in South Asia, Prentice Hall.
  4. Singh B.K., 2008, Handbook of Disaster Management: Techniques & Guidelines, Rajat Publication.
  5. Ghosh G.K., 2006, Disaster Management, APH Publishing Corporation
  6. Disaster Medical Systems Guidelines. Emergency Medical Services Authority, State of California, EMSA no.214, June 2003
  7.  Inter-Agency Standing Committee (IASC) (Feb. 2007). IASC Guidelines on Mental Health and Psychosocial Support in Emergency Settings. Geneva: IASC

Session Plan

Session 1

Concepts and definitions: disaster, hazard, vulnerability, risks severity, Disaster

Assignment and planning the Project to be assigned



Session 2

Disaster, frequency and details, capacity, impact, prevention, mitigation

Assignment and planning the Project to be assigned materials



Session 4

Session 6

Manmade disasters: Manmade disasters (industrial pollution, artificial flooding in urban areas, nuclear radiation,)




Session 7

Session 11

Disaster Impact: health,  demographic aspects (gender, age, special needs, climate change and urban disasters.)


Session 12

Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) -  relief and recovery; Disaster management cycle – its phases; prevention, mitigation, preparedness, relief and recovery

http://2. https://nidm.gov.in/PDF/trgreports/2018/June/11-15_nidm.pd

Session 13

Structural and non-structural measures; risk analysis, vulnerability and capacity assessment; early warning systems

http://2. https://aphrdi.ap.gov.in/documents/Trainings@APHRDI/DRR/nov-11/DMDDMPNSR.pdf

Session 14

Post-disaster environmental response (water, sanitation, food safety, waste management, disease control, security, communications)

http://1. https://nctr.pmel.noaa.gov › education › ITTI › ccr

http://3. https://nidm.gov.in/PDF/trgreports/2018/June/11-15_nidm.pd

Session 15

Roles and responsibilities of government, community, local institutions, NGOs and other stakeholders;Policies and legislation for disaster risk reduction


http://3. Disaster Management of India - Assam Disaster Management ...http://sdmassam.nic.in › pdf › publication › undp

Session 17

Session 19

sustainable and environmental friendly-recovery

http://1. http://egyankosh.ac.in/bitstream/123456789/25891/1/Unit-15.pdf

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