Fish in Nutrition


Dr. G. Vidya Sagar Reddy


Core Courses

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Course Name : Fish in Nutrition

Code(Credit) : FSPT1101(1-0-0)

Course Objectives

1. To know about the nutrients
2. To understand the function and sources of nutrients
3. To learn about the nutritional value of fishes
4. Discuss the health benefits of fish

Course Outcomes

CO-PO Mapping

COs Course outcomes Mapping COs with POs
CO1 Gain insights about role of specific nutrients in maintaining health PO1
CO2 Knowledge of nutrients to design and plan for preparing a balanced diet for human PO3, PO4

PO1: Knowledge enhancement.

PO3: Professional and Entrepreneurial Skill development.

PO4: Critical thinking.

Course Syllabus

1. Composition of fish with emphasis on nutritional value.
2. Concept of Biological value, Protein Efficiency ratio, Net protein utilization.
3. Amino acids of fish and shellfishes and importance of essential amino acids.
4. Fish lipids: fatty acids, nutritional quality.
5. Role of fish lipids in human nutrition.
6. Non-protein nitrogen substances in fishes.
7. Vitamins in fish: water soluble, fat soluble, significance in human nutrition.
8. Minerals in fish: micro- and macro-elements, trace elements, significance in human nutrition.
9. Other functional bio-molecules in fish – peptides, collagen and squalene.
10. Effect of different kinds of cooking fish ie. curry, frying, steaming, smoking, fermentation on nutrition value.


1. Belitz. H. D., and Grosch, W. 1999. Food Chemistry. 2nd Edition, Springer ,Verlag Berlin, Heidelbery, New York.

2. Berk. Z. 1976. Braverman’s Introduction to the Biochemistry of Foods, Elsevier Scientific Publishing Company, Oxford.

3. Brody, T. 2006. Nutritional Biochemistry 2nd Edition. Elsevier, India Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi.

4. Eskin, N.A.M, Heuderson, H.M and Townsend. R.J. 1971. Biochemistry of Foods, Academic Press, London.

5. Fennema Owen, R (Ed.). 1985. Food Chemistry, 2nd Edition, Marcel Dekker, Inc. New York.

6. Fennema Owen, R (Ed.). 1996. Food Chemistry, 3rd Edition, Marcel Dekker, Inc. New York.

7. Fox, P.F.,and Condon, J. J., 1982. Food Proteins. Applied Science publishers Ltd., London.

8. Garard, Ira D. 1976. Introductory Food Chemistry. The Avi Publishing Company INC. Westport, Connecticut.

9. Heimann, W. 1980. Fundamentals of Food Chemistry. Avi Publishing Company, West Port, Connecticut, USA.

10. Hui, Y.H. 2006.(Ed). Food Biochemistry & Food Processing. Blackwell publishing Ltd., USA

11. Lee, Frank, A. 1983. Basic Food Chemistry. 2nd Edition, The Avi Publishing Company INC, Westport, Connecticut.

12. Luck, Erich, Jager, Martin 1997. Antimicrobial food additives, characteristics uses, effects – 2nd Edition, Springer – Verlag Berlin, Heidel berg – New York

13. Pomeranz Yeshajahu, 1985. Functional Properties of Food Components. Academic Press , INC, London.

14. Regenstein, J. O. R. M., and Regenstein Carrie, E. 1984. Food protein Chemistry–An introduction for food Scientists, Academic Press, INC, London.

15. Stewart George, F., and Amerine Maynard, A. 1982. Introduction to Food Science and Technology – 2nd Edition, Academic Press, London.

Session Plan

Session 1

1. Composition of fish with emphasis on nutritional value
Composition of fish with emphasis on nutritional value

Fish as food

Session 2

2. Concept of Biological value, Protein Efficiency ratio, Net protein utilization
Concept of Biological value, Protein Efficiency ratio, Net protein utilization

Biological value

Session 3

3. Amino acids of fish and shellfishes and importance of essential amino acids
Amino acids of fish and shellfishes and importance of essential amino acids

Amino acids requirements of fishes

Session 4

4. Fish lipids: fatty acids, nutritional quality
Fish lipids, fatty acids


Session 5

Session 6

Session 7

7. Vitamins in fish: water soluble, fat soluble, significance in human nutrition
Fish and human nutrition
Significance of vitamins in human nutrition

Session 8

8. Minerals in fish: micro- and macro-elements, trace elements, significance in human nutrition
significance minerals in human nutrition

Session 9

9. Other functional bio-molecules in fish – peptides, collagen and squalene
Other functional bio-molecules in fish – peptides, collagen and squalene

Session 10

Question Model

Assignment topics:

  1. Production and importance of squalene.
  2. Production of collagen and its importance.
  3. Importance of fish in human diets.
  4. Role of fish lipids in human nutrition.
  5. Non-protein nitrogen component in fish.
  6. Significance of Vitamins in human nutrition.
  7. Effects of different types of cooking on foods.

Case Studies

Case Studies

Our Main Teachers

Dr. G. Vidya Sagar Reddy completed his B.F.Sc., M.F.Sc. (Industrial Fishery Technology) and Ph.D. (Fish Processing Technology) from University of Agricultural Sciences, Bangalore, Karnataka. He secured ‘Gold Medal’ in the UG (B.F.Sc.), PG (M.F.Sc.) & Ph.D. programme.   He received ‘University Meritorious Teacher Award’ in 2012 from Sri Venkateswara Veterinary University, Tirupati; ‘State Meritorious Teacher Award in 2011 from […]

Ms. Hauzoukim is expertise in value-added fish products, their quality and biochemical assessment, and utilization of fish waste for various purposes. She had completed her M.F.Sc from Post Harvest Technology discipline of ICAR-Central Institute of Fisheries Education, Mumbai. During her Master’s research, she worked on “Development of smoked fish products: Improvement in functionality of coated […]