SKILL: Agrivoltaic Technology


Nimay Chandra Giri


Skill Courses

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Course Name : Agrivoltaic Technology

Code(Credit) : CUTM3143 (0-3-1)

Aligned to QP: QP-SGJ-Q0101 and QP-AGRQ0104
NSQF Level: 4

Course Objectives

The objectives of this subject are:
• To develop and understand the fundamentals of solar energy conversion techniques.
• To develop and familiarize with the principles, technology, methods, and materials required for the integration of solar PV systems and agriculture practices.
• To develop end-to-end technical knowledge to execute an efficient agrivoltaic system.
• To comply with the industry specifications, guidelines, and safety standards during work.

Course Outcomes

At the end of the course, trainees/students will be able to:
CO.1 Gain knowledge on solar energy conversion techniques in energy-food-water nexus, potential, and dual land-use applications.
CO.2 Analyze the solar geometry, system parameters, challenges, and opportunities.
CO.3 Understand the system sizing, costing, installation, and operation with and without storage systems.
CO.4 Development of agrivoltaic systems for domestic, commercial, and industrial applications.
CO.5 Performance analysis of agrivoltaic systems for energy-food-water production.
CO.6 Develop an understanding of the perspective on SDGs 2, 7, 8, 9, and 13.

CO-PO Mapping

Course Syllabus/Contents:

Module 1: Work Organization and Management (4 hours), SGJ/N0101

Overview and applications in multiple sectors, Work technical terminology and symbols, theory and applications of mathematics, physics, and geometry, Standards currently used and recognized by the industry, Current internationally recognized standards, Health and safety legislation, and best practice including specific safety.
Practice 1: A site visit to acquire knowledge on solar photovoltaics projects.
Practice 2: A site visit to acquire knowledge on the open field and protected cultivation techniques.

Module 2: Site Survey and Customer's requirement (6 hours), SGJ/N0101, ELE/N5903, AGR/N0118

Concept of site survey, Customer requirements, and satisfaction, Preparation of single line diagram (SLD), Understand the seed requirement and preparation for crops cultivation.
Practice 3: Identification of a shadow-free location for the project work.
Practice 4: Preparation of single line diagram (system layout) for a solar PV system.
Practice 5: Identify and select the appropriate variety of shadow tolerant seeds/crops based on the agro climatic conditions, climate, soil type and required yield.

Module 3: Basics of Solar PV System and Components (15 hours), SGJ/N0101, SGJ/N0102

Concept of the solar PV system, Technology, and types, Concept and specification of the solar cell, module, CCR, inverter and its applications.
Practice 6: Identify a suitable solar PV system and prepare a load calculation sheet.
Practice 7: Identify and specify Mono, Poly, and Thin-film solar cells/panel.
Practice 8: Identify and specify the Lead Acid, Maintenance-free, and Li-ion battery.
Practice 9: Identify and specify the PWM & MPPT type solar charge controller.
Practice 10: Identify and specify the different types of Inverter for a solar PV system.

Module 4: Basics of Agronomic Practices and Components (15 hours), AGR/N0109, AGR/N0119

Concept of photosynthesis and agricultural/agronomic practices, Types of cultivation/farming system, Agri-tools required for agronomic practices, Preparation of land/field for suitable pulses/crops/rhizomes cultivation, Requirement of fertilizers and manures in prepared soil in right proportion, Maintain the right pH value in the soil.
Practice 11: Measurement of solar radiation at the identified location.
Practice 12: Identify and specify the different types of agri-tools used in agronomic practices.
Practice 13: Preparation of land/field for pulses/crops/rhizomes cultivation.
Practice 14: Apply fertilizers and manures in right proportion of the prepared soil.
Practice 15: Measurement of pH value in the soil.

Module 5: Design and Installation of Agrivoltaic System (15 hours), SGJ/N0103, SGJ/N0104, AGR/N0120, AGR/N0404

Concept of energy-food-water nexus system, Technology of agrivoltaic system and types, Basic design and installation of agrivoltaic system, Integration of irrigation, Potential, Applications, Advantages, Opportunities and Challenges. Performance indicators of agrivoltaic system.
Practice 16: Design and development of a structure for a grivoltaic system.
Practice 17: Design and development of an integrated solar and agriculture system on the same land.
Practice 18: Performance calculation of a grivoltaic system.
Practice 19: Preparation of an irrigation model for better farming in an grivoltaic system

Module 6: Maintain Health and Safety at the Workplace (5 hours), ELE/N6001, AGR/N9903

The estimated cost structure of solar PV system and agronomic practices, Basic farm management, Perform basic health and safety rules with Indian standards, Operation, and maintenance of an agrivoltaic system.
Practice 20: Carry out safety rules and maintenance activities required in agrivoltaic system.

Practice 21: Perform basic farm management process.
Practice 22: Perform cost structure for an agrivoltaic system.


1. Explain solar energy and why is it important in our daily lives?
2. Discuss the types of shade-loving crops that are suitable for our climate.
3. Explain Solar PV systems, types, and applications.
4. Explain agronomy practices for better farming.
5. Differentiation between traditional vs Agrivoltaics farming.

List of Projects/Products/Publications (15 hours: One project is to be chosen by group of students. Maximum group size is 5)

1. Design and development of civil/mechanical structure for a solar PV system/agrivoltaic.
2. Measurement of solar radiation at the identified location.
3. Design and validation of Solar Off-grid system.
4. Design and validation of Solar On-grid system.
5. Design and validation of CCR or Inverter.
6. Design and validation of Battery charging circuit.
7. Design and validation of Power converter (AC to DC or DC to DC).
8. Design and development of solar powered water pumping system.
9. Preparation/selection of suitable shadow tolerant crops for better yield.
10. Preparation of land/field for pulses/crops/rhizomes farming.
11. Preparation of organic fertilizers for better farming.
12. Perform pH value measurement of sand at the identified location.
13. Cultivate of shadow tolerant crops in the identified location.
14. Perform growth and yield of the agriculture plant in a agrivoltaic system.
15. Perform energy generation from the SPV system in a agrivoltaic system.

Suggested Readings:

Text Book:

• CS Solanki, Photovoltaic – Fundamentals, Technologies and Applications, PHI, 2015.
• P Snatra, Solar Energy In Agriculture: Principles And Applications by Santra, Priyabrata, New India Publishing Agency- Nipa, ISBN: 9789387973848, 2019.
• NC Giri, SR Nayak, SP Mishra, and SN Sahu, Project Management and Smart Electrical Systems, ISBN 9798587652200, Amazon; 1st edition, 27 December 2020.

Reference Book:
• VVN Kishore, Renewable Energy Engineering and Technology: principles and practice, Teri, India, 2008.
• SS Das, DD Behera, and NC Giri, Clean Energy Applications in Modern World, Notion Press, ISBN: 9781638069560, 2021.
• S Gorjian, P Campana, Solar Energy Advancements in Agriculture and Food Production Systems, Academic Press, Elsevier, ISBN: 9780323898669, 2022.


Our Main Teachers

Nimay Chandra Giri

Assistant Professor in ECE/CREE, SoET-Bhubaneswar Campus

Solar Energy, Electrical, Electronics & Agrivoltaic