Dr. Dinkar J. Gaikwad is an Associate Professor and Head, Department of Crop Physiology and Biochemistry. M.S. Swaminathan School of Agriculture, Paralakhemundi Campus, Centurion University of Technology and Management Odisha, India. He has completed his Under Graduation (UG) in Bachelor in Horticulture from MPKV Rahuri (Maharashtra), Post Graduation in Plant Physiology from BCKV Mohanpur (West Bengal). His M.Sc. research area was focused on the Physiological and biochemical impact of arsenate and arsenite during germination, early seedling growth and grain filling period of rice. He has completed Ph.D. in Plant Physiology from BCKV (West Bengal). His Ph.D. work focuses on the Betelvine: crop physiological responses to light environments, organic and inorganic supplements and Standardization of protocol for mutagenesis.
He has 5 years of Research experience, He has worked as Senior Research Fellow (SRF) in the project entitled Formulation and Validation of DUS testing guidelines for betelvine sponsored by Protection of Plant Varieties and Farmers Rights Authority, Ministry of Agriculture, Govt. of India, for three years. He has participated in number of National seminars, National and International Workshops and training programmes. He is having number of national and international publication in his pocket. Presently he is working on different hydroponics techniques for growing exotic vegetables, To develop nutrient management strategies for optimizing nutrient-use efficiency of leafy vegetables in hydroponics. He is also acting as a coordinator of research center for smart agriculture.Mail : |
Phone : 8093524042 |