List of Common Programs to solve using Java: 1. Program to calculate area of a triangle 2. Program to solve quadratic equation 3. Program to swap two zariables (with and without using third variable) 4. Program to generate random numbers in various ways 5. Program to convert miles to kilometers and vice-versa 6. Program to convert celsius to fahrenheit and vice-versa 7. Program to check if a number is odd or even 8. Program to check if input year is leap year 9. Program to test primality 10. Program to print all prime numbers in an interval using "Sieve of Eratosthenes" 11. Program to generate factorial of all elements in an array 12. Program to display the multiplication table up to 20 13. Program to print the fibonacci sequence 14. Program to check armstrong number, perfect number, Harshad number 15. Program to generate armstrong numbers in an Interval 16. Program to find the sum of Harshad numbers in an interval 17. Program to display powers of two Using lambda 18. Program to perform conversions among decimal to binary, octal and hexadecimal 19. Program to display ASCII table 20. Program to find HCF/GCD and LCM 21. Program to find factors of given natural number 22. Program to make a simple calculator 23. Program to shuffle deck of cards 24. Program to generate fibonacci sequence using recursion 25. Program to find sum of natural numbers using recursion 26. Program to find factorial of number using recursion 27. Program to convert decimal to binary using recursion 28. Program to add two matrices 29. Program to obtain transpose of a matrix 30. Program to multiply two matrices 31. Program to check if a string is palindrome 32. Program to remove punctuations from a string 33. Program to sort words lexicographically 34. Program to illustrate different set operations 35. Program to count frequency of each vowel in a string 36. Program to find hash value of a file