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Ms. Prachi Siddharth Bagde


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Course Name : Aquatic Ecology, Biodiversity and Disaster Management

Code(Credit) : FSEM 2106 (2-1-0)

Course Objectives

At the end of the course, students will have the knowledge on

  • Component of aquatic systems, and Aquatic Productivity.
  • Aquatic Biodiversity, animal association and their environment.
  • Various national and international conventions and regulations concerning biodiversity.
  • Disaster Management in Fisheries.

Course Outcomes

CO no. Course outcome Pos


CO-1 Able to interpret water and biological quality tests and understand why aquatic organisms and water quality is affected by the physical, chemical and biological conditions of the water and how it impacts the aquatic environment PO1



CO-2 Understand the dependence of all organisms on one another and how energy and matter flow within an aquatic ecosystem PO1



CO-3 Understood the concepts of Disaster Management in Fisheries PO1



PO 1: Knowledge enhancement:

Enhanced knowledge on concepts, essential facts, basics, principles and theories relating to fishery biology, biodiversity and aquatic environment, aquaculture, fish nutrition, fish physiology, genetics and biotechnology, fish processing, fisheries engineering, fish microbiology, fishery extension, economics, and biostatistics.

PO 2: Professional and Entrepreneurial Skill development:

Understanding the value and processes of life-long learning and professional enhancement and entrepreneurship development.

PO 3: Critical thinking:

After identifying the assumptions from the subject, take informed actions to frame the thinking and check out the degree to which these assumptions are accurate and valid, and look at our ideas and decisions (intellectual, organizational, and personal) from different perspectives.

PO 5: Environment and Sustainability:

Understand the issues of environmental contexts and sustainable development.

PO 6: Data Handling and computational skills:

Collect, analyze and interpret biological and scientific data for the scientific and farming community with the help of computer-based programmes.

Course Syllabus


Unit 1: Aquatic environment, Flora and fauna: Components of aquatic systems, Aquatic productivity, nutrient cycles, energy flow, food chain.

Unit 2: Animal associations: Symbiosis, commensalisms, parasitism, prey-predator relationship, host parasite relationship.

Unit 3: Aquatic biodiversity-its importance, species diversity, genetic diversity, habitat diversity, diversity indices. Ecological and evolutionary processes.

Unit 4: Ecological niches – lagoons, estuaries, mangroves, coral reefs, flood plains, coastal wet lands, bheels, oxbow lakes.

Unit 5: Threats to biodiversity- habitat destination, introduction of exotic species, Conservation of habitats, marine parks and sanctuaries.

Unit 6: Conservation programmes for endangered species, ex situ and in situ conservation, captive breeding and management of endangered species.

Unit 7: Various national and international conventions and regulations concerning biodiversity, including use of selective gears and exclusion devices.
Disaster Management in Fisheries
Unit 8: Basic concepts: Hazard, risk, vulnerability, disaster, capacity building.

Unit 9: Multi hazard and disaster vulnerability of India.

Unit 10: Types of natural and manmade hazards in fisheries and aquaculture - cyclones, floods, droughts, tsunami, El-nino, algal blooms, avalanches, pollution, habitat destruction, over fishing, introduction of exotic species, landslides, epidemics, loss of bio-diversity etc.

Unit 11: Causes, characteristics and effects of disasters.

Unit 12: Management strategies: pre-disaster, during disaster and post-disaster. Pre-disaster: prevention, preparedness and mitigation; different ways of detecting and predicting disasters; early warning, communication and dissemination, community based disaster preparedness, structural and non-structural mitigation measures. During disaster: response and recovery systems at national, state and local, coordination between different agencies, international best practices. Post-disaster: Methods for assessment of initial and long term damages, reconstruction and rehabilitation.

Unit 13: Prevalent national and global management practices in disaster management. Agencies involved in monitoring and early warnings at district, state, national and global levels. Sea safety and health.

Unit 14: Acquaintance with fire-fighting devices. Life-saving appliances and first-aid. Uses of distress signals and technologies. Relief and rehabilitation measures, trauma counseling.


  1. Collection of species of fishes and other organisms and studying the assemblages of organisms of rocky shore.
  2. Collection of species of fishes and other organisms and studying the assemblages of organisms of sandy shore
  3. Collection of species of fishes and other organisms and studying the assemblages of organisms of muddy shore
  4. Collection of species of fishes and other organisms and studying the assemblages of organisms of lentic habitat
  5. Collection of species of fishes and other organisms and studying the assemblages of organisms of lotic habitat
  6. Observation of adaptive characters and interrelationships like commensalisms
  7. Observation of adaptive characters and interrelationships like symbiosis
  8. Observation of adaptive characters and interrelationships parasitism
  9. Observation of adaptive characters and interrelationships predation
  10. Field visits to mangroves, marine parks, sanctuaries, coral reefs, rivers, hills, streams, lakes, and reservoirs


1. Fundamentals of ecology ---- E.P. Odum, G.W. Barrett

2. Encyclopedia of aquaculture ---- RR Stickney

3. Aquatic Ecology and Biodiversity--------Olando Martin

4. Disaster risk management in fisheries (

Session Plan

Session 1

Introduction to aquatic environment Structure and function of the aquatic ecosystem. Aquatic productivity.

Session 2

Components of aquatic systems

Session 9

Session 11

Lentic and lotic habitat organism

Session 12

Session 17

National park, wild life sanctuaries

Session 19

Session 22

River and hill streams for aquaculture

Session 28

Agencies involved in monitoring and early warnings at district, state, national and global levels

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Session 29

Sea safety and health.

Acquaintance with fire-fighting devices.

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Session 30

Life-saving appliances and first-aid.

Uses of distress signals and technologies.

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Session 31

Relief and rehabilitation measures, trauma counselling.

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Session 32

Revision and Doubt-clearing session


Session 1-2

Collection of species of fishes and other organisms and studying the assemblages of organisms of rocky shore

Session 3

Collection of species of fishes and other organisms and studying the assemblages of organisms of sandy shore

Session 4-5

Collection of species of fishes and other organisms and studying the assemblages of organisms of muddy shore

Session 6-7

Collection of species of fishes and other organisms and studying the assemblages of organisms of lentic habitat

Session 8-9

Collection of species of fishes and other organisms and studying the assemblages of organisms of lotic habitat

Session 10

Observation of adaptive characters and interrelationships like commensalisms

Session 11

Observation of adaptive characters and interrelationships like symbiosis

Session 12

Observation of adaptive characters and interrelationships parasitism

Session 13

Observation of adaptive characters and interrelationships predation

Session 14

Study the ecology of coral reefs ecosystem.

Session 15

Study the ecology of River ecosystem

Sesssion 16

Fire fitting devices

Our Main Teachers

Ms. Prachi Siddharth Bagde graduated from Maharashtra Animal and Fishery Sciences University and received B.F.Sc degree in 2020. She was awarded ICAR-NTS (PG-2020) Fellowship for postgraduate program. She has completed her in the Department of Aquatic Environment Management in 2022.