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Skills of identification of different breeds of Cattle and buffalo with respect to their production capability. Distinguished body features – udder, milk vein, teds, etc, their special care in the farms- handling and restraining of animals of different stray.
Session 1. ppt
The layout of different types of cattle shed-planning for construction for providing maximum compost to the animals, mostly the ventilation and the ground of the floor, spacing of animals etc.
Session2. ppt
Sanitation measures of the cattle shed- for prevention of diseases, regular cleaning of the shed, process of cleaning, proper use of sanitary material (eco-friendly), maintaining dryness of the shed as well as animals etc.
Session 3. pdf
Skills of identification/ Marking of animals (cattle & buffalo) for keeping individual performance, records including treatment, protection and reproduction etc. – daily record and milk yield (daily, weekly & monthly) breeding record- date of feed, insemination and calving etc.
Session 4, pdf
Skills of knowing and observing of feed-in cattle and buffalo- monitoring of artificial insemination- technologies for conducting artificial insemination, insemination in farm research condition, identification of cattle and buffalo rise are in silent heat (most important in buffalo).
Session 5. ppt
Recording and learning of daily routine work being operated in farms- (both management and specific care of newborn calf), Skill of culturing/disposing and unproductive animals in a farm for economic return, Judging & featuring for best animals to be kept in the farm.
Session 6. ppt
Skills of computation of rations for daily animal of different stages, specifying for heifer & pregnant animal. Formulation of concentrate mixture based on low-cost technology, using locally available raw materials.
Session 7. ppt
Skills of feeding different categories of cattle- New born calf, heifer, pregnant animals etc.
Session 8. ppt
Skills of learning the first aid treatment in cattle and buffalo- hoof cutting, wound dressing, giving an injection, care of horn, branding, ear tagging etc.
Skills of knowing symptoms of some common diseases- Normal physiological parameters such as temperature, pulses, offed condition, restlessness, position & movement of the stomach, defecation &urination etc.
Session 10. ppt
Skill of milking procedure- hand milking as well as machine milking, knowledge of retention of milk in the udder, letting down procedure etc.
Session 11. ppt
Common features or constituents of milk and techniques of clean milk production, its collection techniques till marketing