Dr. Ashish Kumar Sarangi

Assistant Professor






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Dr. Ashish Kumar Sarangi

Dr. Ashish Kumar Sarangi is currently working as Assistant Professor (Chemistry), School of Applied Science, Centurion University of Technology and Management, Balangir. He has received his Ph.D. in Chemistry in the year 2010 from Sambalpur University, Odisha, India. He has received PDF in Computational Chemistry in the year of 2012 from IIT, Bombay. He has 17 years of teaching experience in various branches of chemistry in different Technical and Non-Technical degree Colleges/ Universities and 10 years of post Ph.D. Research Experience. He is a fellow and Life member of several professional bodies Society of Chemical Industry, Indian Association of Nuclear Chemist and Allied Scientist, Indian Society for Technical Education, The Indian Science Congress Association, Orissa Chemical Society. He is also Reviewer and Editorial Board member in more than 20 National and International Journals. He has got Outstanding Contribution in Reviewing Award. He has attained and presented more than 30 Research Papers in International and National Symposium and Conferences. He has more than 25 publications in referred peer reviewed International and National journals.  He has visited 2 times abroad as a invited speaker in different international conference. He is now actively engaged in Research activities in the field of Molecular Modelling, Drug Design, Coordination Chemistry, Material Science and Environmental Engineering. He has published one book in a reputed publisher.

Any review founded

Industrial Pollution and its Management



Mail : ashishkumar.sarangi@cutm.ac.in

Skype : sarangi.ashish@hotmail.com

Location : Balangir

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